“Sept 2024 Spotlight”

My Health Journey Spotlight Image

My Health Journey…

I encourage anyone and everyone to check out My Health Journey tab in https://www.tipinions.com/.

There is a lot of beneficial information that I believe a lot of people are dealing with currently. If nothing else, you may learn something that you can pass on to others.

If you don’t have your health, you have nothing.

Many wealthy people have found that out as all the money in the world cannot always heal what ails you.

For those of you who have been healthy all your life – you are blessed – please don’t take that health for granted – be grateful!

For those of you who have struggled with your health – you are not alone. Many have walked that road before you and unfortunately many will come behind you.

I encourage those of you who have struggled to share your journey with others, be an open book – not for sympathy or empathy but to educate, and pass information on that could potentially help others.

That is your story, your testimony and there is power in it! Never belittle your situation or struggles, never be ashamed or silent – share to empower yourself and others.

If you have information that you would like to share about your health journey or information that you believe could help me in mine, please email support@tipinions.com .

I have had other health ailments during my lifetime that I haven’t shared as of yet. Once I find the key to the journey I am currently on, I will share further information.

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