Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Personal Tip – Worry – June 17/24

Worry:  Worry is one of those things I grew up with – my mom was a worry wart – so to speak.  Worry causes a lot of wear and tear on a person – emotionally, mentally, spiritually, physically, etc. – it adds a lot of stress to our lives. 

I watched the toll it took on my mom through the years and came up with this little analogy. 

Worry is like sitting in a rocking chair with the expectation that you are going to drive to your destination (let’s just say a two-hour drive for example) in the appropriate amount of time.  However, if you are sitting in a rocking chair vs a vehicle you are not going anywhere fast – or really anywhere at all!  You will not get to your destination at all and you will just sit there and stew in it – it’s a vicious cycle. 

Worrying does not serve you – it keeps you stuck where you are at with no forward motion at all.  Like sitting in a rocking chair – staying in one place – not going anywhere.   

When you worry, you lose your peace and instead live in a state of uneasiness – who would want to do that to themselves. 

Questions to Ponder: 

What causes you to worry? 

Can you make peace with it? 

Is it something you can control or is it beyond your control? 

If it is beyond your control, you need to let that go and make peace with it on some level to create a calmer environment for yourself. 

If it is in your control, make a decision to make peace with whatever is creating the worry – the root cause of it and let it go.  Allowing things to go around in your head with no solution affects you and others around you.  Look at the pros and cons of things and make some choices and decisions – it is not always easy as sometimes the choices we have to choose from are not great options and you can only make the best decision at the time with the knowledge that you have when making the decision – worrying about things only prolongs and complicates the process and hurts you. 

Shake those patterns and habits of worry - check out People Under Construction for an affordable road map to assist with this - Visit or contact for more information. 

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