Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Personal Tip – Stress – Dec 15/23

Stress:  In the past, a huge stress reliever used to be going away for a winter holiday – to relax on a beach, hang out in the sun, swim, go on local tours, etc. 

During Covid, this was not an option, and people had to come up with other options. 

In saying that, what are you doing for you to relieve your stress?  The last few years we have had different stressors than ever before.  Life has changed.  How has it changed you?  How has it changed your perspective? 

The only constant in life is change – sometimes we forget that.   

I think there are further changes ahead – a ripple effect, so to speak.  When you through a pebble into the lake, it ripples, quite a bit, if you watch it fully.  I think we have seen a few ripples, so far, but more are coming.   

For me, how I keep less stressed, is coming to terms with things and making my peace with it.  If I can’t control it, and no decision I make is going to steer it in a certain direction, I have to figure out how to make peace with it on some level or it will be a continual source of stress. 

It is not always easy to make peace with things, but necessary in order to have a more fulfilling, enjoyable life. 

 Questions to Ponder: 

On a scale of 1-10, what is your stress level? 

What are you doing to relieve it? 

Is it working? 

Can you find peace in turmoil? 

If you are struggling, please reach out to People Under Construction at  or contact 

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