Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Personal Tip – Soul – May 1/23

Soul:  A lot of people think the spirit and soul are the same, some people think it is different.  I have looked through many different websites and found this one to resonate the most with me on this subject.

The main difference between soul and spirit is that the soul is the spiritual part what we carry after our death whereas a spirit can refer to a non-human entity as well.

The distinction between soul and spirit is highlighted in religious contexts. Therefore, these two terms are related to spirituality and religion. However, there is a slight difference between soul and spirit. (taken from )  It is worth checking out the link as it goes further into each part – the below is from the site as well.

Soul vs Spirit Image

A lot of what you do find online relates to God or religion – regardless of whether or not you believe in something or nothing, you have a spirit and a soul – you may not feel it all the time but we do!

To me, our spirit is something inside us that gives us the courage to do and try things – it is our confidence – inner strength.

When I think of the word “Spirit”, I think of a horse.  I envision a wild horse running free – exploring – fearless, fun, wild, free, pure enjoyment and excitement. 

When we catch that horse, we tame their spirit per say and break them, so that we can ride them, use them to work, have a purpose, etc., but that same spirit dwells within them as it is part of them.  Some horses choose not to be broken as their spirit is stronger and make it difficult for the process.  Some horses have a tamer spirit and choose to allow the process of becoming tame.  Regardless – wild and free or tame, the spirit is there – it is within us – it is part of us – it helps lead and guide us…

So, in the same sense, our spirit can break and be broken, molded, shaped, take on a different purpose, guide us, lead us and give us a lot if we let it or we can keep it hidden and under wraps – giving it very little acknowledgement.

To me, our soul is something even deeper within us.  It helps us with right and wrong – it connects us to a higher being, to what happens after this life, to each other.  Your soul is what lives on.

When I think of the word “Soul”, I think of an Angel.  Something peaceful, powerful, beautiful, floating, out there…

The soul is part of your inner sanctum, it holds your memories, your emotions, your hurts, your fears, your good, your struggles and it in some way protects you from getting involved in those things that hurt you – it reminds you when you are on the road to doing something similar and does it’s best to keep you safe.

Asking the same question that I have with body, mind and spirit – what do you do on a regular basis for your soul?

What can you do for your soul to take care of it?

For me, nature feeds my soul – I know when I need to go for a walk in nature.  I go outside looking for a rock – I have a huge rock collection – rocks are very grounding and I have many around me that are unique and different and they hold an energy, which I find beneficial for my soul.  Allowing myself some alone time to reflect feeds my soul - making me a priority, saying no when I need to.  Giving myself the down time that I need to fully take care of me, relaxing, being gentle on myself, forgiving myself – these are all things that I do for my soul.

Working on myself – self-help – assists my soul to mend, heal and grow, it gives me things to work on, so that I don’t make the same mistakes twice, so that I recognize my previous patterns and make changes.

These are just my ideas and thoughts though…what are yours on the subject?

Questions to Ponder:

What do you think your soul is?

How does it differ from your spirit?

What do you do for your soul to nurture it?

If you would like assistance and would like to delve into this further, please reach out to People Under Construction at  or contact

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