Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Personal Tip – Significance of Colors – Jan 31/24

Significance of Colors: With Valentine's Day coming up, the Color of Love is Red – which has been a symbol of this day for many years.

Just like names and numbers have a significant meaning and patterns, so do colors. 

Colors have symbolism and representation.  Maybe this is why you feel a certain way when you wear different clothing and colors, or why you are attracted to certain colors.  Below seem to be the most common symbolic representation. 

Amber – Glory 

Black – Death, Mourning, Calamity, Rebellion 

Blue – Heaven, Revelation, Reward, Peace, Loyalty, Wisdom 

Green – Freshness, Life, Prosperity, Growth, Luck  

Grey – Vintage, Antique 

Purple – Kingship, Majesty, Royalty, Sanctity 

Red – Blood, Sacrifice, Atonement, Energy, Strength, Love 

White – Triumph, Festivity, Purity, Light, Holiness, Innocence 

Yellow – Sun, Life, Truth, Honor 

Gold & Silver – Majesty, Beauty, Worth, Value – There was a time in history when silver used to be more valuable than gold 

Colors are important when decorating, for different occasions, when deciding on a logo, for branding for your business, they represent different emotions, different feelings, different ideas and stimulate different parts of the mind and body.  

My favorite color is purple – it has always been my favorite color.  I have some coloring books from when I was a young child.  The only color I used in the beginning in coloring books was purple.  We had sooo many crayons in our coloring box because I only used the purple one and my mom had to buy another pack so I would have more purple ones! Lol  

It’s funny how it has stuck with me all my life! 

Check out these websites for more ideas, thoughts and perspectives.,warmth%20or%20green%20with%20nature  

Questions to Ponder: 

Does color play a factor in your life? 

Do you notice the different feelings that colors stimulate in you? 

What is your favorite color and how long has it been your favorite color? 

How do different colors make you feel? 

What is your wardrobe mostly comprised of? 

What is your logo like? 

Does color play a factor in your branding? 

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