Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Personal Tip – Significance of Celebrations – May 17/23

Significance of Celebrations: Over the past few years, we have found out just how important these family get togethers are.

During the pandemic, celebrations were cancelled or postponed or downsized to accommodate the different regulations depending on your area.

As we got back into our new normal, things were opening up more and gatherings became more open allowing the possibility of these occasions to go back to the way they were.

It is significant to our society as we get back to the celebrations that meant so much to us in the past and give each other the option of seeing and supporting each other – truly together.

We need to get back into celebrating life – weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, births, end of life celebrations, Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, any other significant moment in your family or culture, and even all the little ones – moving, new job or position, etc.

Take time to move past the vaccination or non-vaccination choice and spend time together.  You never know when your time is up or what is coming around the bend. It is important to have these get togethers while you can and mend any fences that need tending to.

The pandemic taught us a lot of things – if we were listening…

The importance of togetherness, celebrating, living closer together – I know a lot of grandparents have moved closer to their kids and grandkids so they don’t have the possibility of not being able to see each other due to being in other provinces.

It gave family a new meaning and showed us that maybe, just maybe we were too busy…

It gave us time to just be and reflect.  It gave us some positives and negatives.  The thing is, now what are you going to do with the information – how has it changed you for the better or worse.

Take a moment to reflect on that and see where it goes.

Take time with your loved ones to celebrate the little things in life and the big events!

Questions to Ponder:

What do you have to celebrate?

What have you postponed?

Do you have things to mend?

Take care and enjoy each other…

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