Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Personal Tip – Pain – May 30/23

Pain is relative:  What does that even mean?

Pain is pain – something that hurts – whether it be physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, pain is pain and there are many different types of pain.

Some pains are debilitating –which means it stops you where you are and does not allow you to move – again in any one of the 4 ways above – it keeps you stuck…

Some pains are sharp and stabbing – that when you move you feel horrible sudden pain that rocks your world.

Other pains are dull and constant – they linger and no matter what you seem to do, it is there in the background, hanging out.

Pain could also be emotional or mental pain that is debilitating.

No matter what the pain is – it is painful.  Some is tolerable and some is much harder to tolerate.  Regardless of the pain though, we still have to move, we still have to breath, we still have to struggle our way through it to the other side – however, it is sometimes hard to remember what the other side looks and feels like…

What does relative mean – to be in relation to or proportionate to something...  So, for instance, pain is relative – when you break a bone – that pain is in relation to or proportionate to breaking a bone.

Now that we have reviewed that information, what does being in pain do to you, what does it take from you…

  • It takes your energy – being in pain uses a ton of energy
  • It takes your time – it is time consuming to be in pain
  • It takes your emotion – when you are in pain, it tends to make you more emotional to things
  • It takes your effort – it is so much harder to accomplish anything when you are in pain
  • It takes away your ability to live and thrive – it keeps you in a survival, existing mode
  • It steals your joy and peace
  • It makes things so much harder

So, when you are in pain, what do you do about it and how quickly do you try to get past the pain?

You can take pills that alleviate the symptoms, but what is the root cause?

When you deal with the symptoms, it never truly goes away.

Questions to Ponder:

What sort of pain are you in right now?

How are you dealing with it?

Are you reaching out and getting help?

Do you have a plan in place to get better, feel better or have you accepted where you are at and are lingering there?

There are so many options out there medically or alternatively that could possibly help. Don't accept where you are at, look around, do some research, talk to people and find someone that can walk with you on your journey to getting better. It will surprise you what worked - make getting your life back a priority and see what happens!

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