Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Personal Tip / Opinion – Valentine’s Day – Feb 9/22

Valentine’s Day:  Soon another Valentine’s Day will be here.

It is a day that has been exploited by many retailers.

What do you normally do for Valentine’s Day?  What would you prefer to do instead?

When I lived in Mexico, I found this day to be more enjoyable.  They celebrate it a bit differently than we do here in Canada.

We celebrate it as the “Day of Love” – it is for couples, and if you are single – it tends to be a day where you are specifically reminded that you are single and alone.

In Mexico, they celebrate it as the “Day of Love and Friendship”, so it was for couples, families and friendships.  It was a day where many people celebrated together – got together for supper or coffee and celebrated their relationships with different people.  It was a day to celebrate each other and no one felt alone.

It was a very different approach and it held a different energy, emotion and atmosphere compared to that here.

I found it a much more enjoyable celebration.

I have not been a person who celebrated Valentine’s Day, past, present or future.

In my opinion, if you aren’t showing your love, kindness, friendship, respect, generosity and in general caring for one another on a daily basis, don’t do it for one day a year.  One day a year doesn’t make up for the 364 other days of the year that you don’t. 

We don’t need to be treated really special one day of the year, it should be done on a daily basis and putting forth such effort on one day just doesn’t make sense to me – never has.

We should be treating people special every day, because you never know when their day will be up and that person won’t be here anymore.

Make the small effort every day to treat people special instead of the grand gesture one day a year!

Questions to Ponder:

What does Valentine’s Day mean to you?

What does Valentine’s Day mean to your loved one’s around you?

Do you treat those people different the rest of the year?

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