Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Personal Tip / Opinion – SWOT – Nov 8/21

SWOT – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, & Threats.  In business, this is something that is utilized to assist in making decisions – especially for startups or in the planning phase.

This tool may be used in business but can be helpful in our personal lives to reflect on what our internal and external benefits and challenges are and what we have in our personal toolbox.  Take a moment to think on these and fill them out in the template provided. 

It is a good exercise to do before a job interview in preparation for the questions that may come your way.

I have found that my greatest strength is also my biggest weakness. Reflect on that a moment and see if that is the same with you.

  • What are your strengths?  (These are helpful internal things to your progress)
  • What are your weaknesses?  (These are internal things that get in the way of your progress)
  • What are your opportunities? (These are external things that can help your progress)
  • What are the threats?  (These are external things that get in the way of your progress)
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