Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Personal Tip / Opinion – Challenge – Nov 15/21

Challenge yourself today – don’t discuss Covid! 

How often in a day does this word come up for you?

We used to get tired of talking about the weather – Covid has definitely overtaken that by far!

I believe it might be on a downward slope, but for many it is still a key point of discussion during the day.

I understand that it has definitely had an impact on people and has changed our landscape in some ways and areas.

I have tried to do my best not to discuss this topic as everyone seems to have such a different opinion, which previously wouldn’t have bothered people so much, but a difference of opinion on this topic has ended in some heated words and lost relationships unfortunately.  Instead, I have tried to turn the conversation onto a different topic and see if people go back to Covid or if they forget about it and discuss other things.

It’s been an interesting thing to do and has been amusing at times.  Sometimes it baffles people when I change the subject as they are so used to people discussing it at length.

Have some fun with it and just remember – we are all different, we look different, we think different and we have different reasons for making the decisions we make but we are all striving to live our best life especially through these times.

Be kind to yourself…be kind to others…

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