Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Personal Tip – Obituary – Jan 27 & 28/24

Obituary:  Why would I create my own obituary – this is what I mentioned in yesterday’s post.  

I made a choice to write my own obituary because I am the only person who truly knows my own story. 

Having other people write it puts the obituary in their perspective and they highlight only what they know and what they believe to be important to you. 

I made the choice to write my own to highlight those events that were monumental to me, that defined me and that may impact someone listening, while giving them more insight about me – the true me. 

It didn’t happen overnight, but while I was recently checking my will, insurance, making my living will and changing some things, I decided to do up my funeral arrangements.  While completing this step and putting to paper what I had discussed with others, I decided I wanted to write my own obituary – from my perspective. 

My other thought on this, is now who will be comfortable reading it?  I am in the process of thinking that I will record it myself, in my voice.  I might do an audio and video version, and then whatever option can be utilized when needed. 

It will be my own words, in my own voice – with emphasis on what I want emphasized. 

I believe that would be very interesting for those left behind.  Then everyone can focus on their emotions and their grieving. 

I have done what I could do to make the whole process easiest on those left behind and what was and is important to me is –  I did it my way… 

Questions to Ponder: 

What is important to you? 

What is important for others to know about you? 

What do you want shared about your life? 

What points matter to you? 

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