Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Personal Tip – Mind – Apr 28/23

Mind: What do you do on a regular basis that is for you mind?

There are many different ways that we can take care of our minds?

We can meditate, pray, listen to calming music, rest, relax, watch a funny show or movie, go to counselling, play games on our devices, a weekend away from our regular routine, etc.

What is something that you do that calms your mind and allows it free stress time?

Our minds are overworked, overstimulated on a constant basis.  We expect a lot from our mind. 

We use it continually and need to allow it time to reboot.  We do that for our devices, our mind definitely deserves a reboot!

Questions to Ponder:

What do you do for your mind regularly?

What really gives you that calming, no thinking zone?

How do you feel when you have allowed yourself to reboot?

If you don’t do something regularly, what is something simple and easy that you can incorporate into your life to give your mind a rest?

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