Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Personal Tip – Judgement – May 23/23

Judgement:  Why do we feel it necessary to judge others and what they are doing with their lives? 

Really, when you think about it – what gives us the right or entitlement to feel that way?

We should have no control over what they do, so why do we feel it is important to share our thoughts with them? 

I recently read an awesome book about this subject.  It was an excellent read and a very different perspective on and around the topic of judgement.  I would recommend it to anyone – it is a short, easy read that may change and challenge you in a good way.

Art of Choosing You Book

It’s time we started looking in the mirror and focusing on our lives and what we can actually control to make changes that would better our lives.

Instead of judging others, be an example.

Questions to Ponder:

Do you judge others regularly?

Do you let them know?

Or do you talk about it with others?

Do you like being judged?

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