Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Personal Tip – Interesting Options – Mar 28/24

Interesting Options:  While looking into different things in other countries, I came across some interesting ideas that would be a nicety for Canada… 

In Mexico, they have their blood type on their driver’s license – which makes it so much easier during emergencies for the hospitals if blood is needed – makes it simpler. 

The other thing I found interesting in Mexico, is that all medical records are kept with the person.  Any blood or urine tests, x-rays, etc. are reviewed with the doctor and then given to the person at the end of their appointment.  This way the person has all their medical records.   

If they move or change doctors, they have the necessary information needed. 

In Australia, they have an Ambulance card that is renewed annually – the cost is roughly $65 per year that entitles the card holder to ambulance rides throughout the year at no additional cost. 

This keeps the cost down to the people who choose to purchase it and money continually flowing in for emergency services while keeping the cost down for those who do not purchase the card. 

It would be nice to see these incorporated into Canada. 

What is something that you know that is done or utilized in another country that would be beneficial to have here? 

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