Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Personal Tip – Go left! – June 7/23

When nothing goes right, go left:  Everything is about perspective and attitude.

When we start to have a bad day, we tend to start off on the wrong foot and it seems to follow us throughout the day if we don’t shift our thinking from negative to positive.

So, remember this little saying – when nothing goes right, go left and shift your attitude and perspective and watch your day change from bad to better!

Points to Ponder:

Notice when things start going wrong and take a moment to change your thought process, attitude and perspective.

It is very easy to be negative and it takes more effort to be positive.

I know from experience, once you start going down that negative road - it is hard to come back from it - it is harder to get back on the right track than if you were to go down the positive road first. Learn from my mistakes. Stay away from the negative journey - it causes more grief, time, effort, emotion and energy than necessary and causes damage along the way to you and those closest to you.

Try to stay positive in all things and you will make a habit of that, which will benefit your daily life!

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