Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Personal Tip – Flippy Flop – Mar 8/23

Flippy Flop:  It has always interested me or should I say disgusted me in how people flippy flop…

It may sound like a weird expression but it is one I use.  Others may use the expression – Two Faced.

It is when people are for you – your friend, family, loved one, spouse, etc. and then all of a sudden, they are against you.

It has never made sense to me.

I am loyal and honest to a fault.

How can someone be smiling to your face or hugging you while they are stabbing you in the back and sleep at night.

The only consolation is that someday Karma will come around at some point -  not when it is convenient for you but when it is necessary for them.

This happens way more than it should.

The way I have dealt with it consists of this simple process - I do not make a decision on someone unless they have made the decision first – then I make my choice.  I do not keep people around me that wish me harm or ill will.  I do not need friends that badly and with friends, family or loved ones that act in this manner, who needs enemies…

I weed my garden, so to speak and let them go on their way.  I forgive them and wish them the best but they are no longer in my circle.

Questions to Ponder:

Do you have people around you that you shouldn’t?

Is it time to weed your garden?

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