Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Personal Tip – 5 Love Languages – Dec 1/23

The 5 Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman:  I read this book almost 20 years ago, and I still refer to it today.  I found it to be spot on and gave some understanding on how people feel loved – what fills their love tank, so to speak. 

When you are speaking someone’s love language, they feel loved.  If you are not speaking their specific love language, they tend not to feel as loved. 

This is an interesting concept.  I found it helpful when relating to other people, raising my children, dealing with my parents, even dealing with co-workers. 

The 5 Love Languages he discusses are: 

Of course, he elaborates on each of these. 

You can learn what a person’s love language is, by what one they speak.  For example, my love language is Acts of Service, so I feel loved the most and express love by doing things for people and having people do things for me.   

So, when my husband takes out the garbage, shovels the snow, warms up my vehicle for me – it fills my love tank.  How I express love is by doing his laundry, cleaning his vehicle, making his lunch, getting stuff ready for the morning to make his day easier.  Little things like that.   

I am fortunate that my love language and my husbands are both Acts of Service.  That way it does tend to make it easier on us as the language we speak is the language the other person understands the best and is fulfilled. 

If you haven’t read this book, I would recommend doing so.  It opens your eyes to a new world, a new way of thinking about and expressing love. 

It is a book that will benefit you and others in your life greatly.  It will improve your relationship with others, give you a better understanding of others, help you to raise your kids in a different manner that will benefit both parties, and provide you with a better understanding of you.  It helps you to teach others how to love you, when you discuss it together.   

It can possibly give you a better understanding why other relationships in your past maybe didn’t work out. 

Read the book by yourself, with your partner, do some quizzes, have open discussions on your specific love language and theirs and find out how you can learn to speak their language better and vice versa.

Questions to Ponder: 

What is your love language? 

What is your partners love language? 

What are your children’s love language? 

Is your love tank full? 

Are you filling other people’s love tanks? 

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