Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Personal & Business Tip – Gratitude Journal – Oct 23/23

Challenge – do a grateful or more commonly known gratitude journal for one month. Think of 1-3 items per day that you are grateful for and see if you feel different at the end of it.   

Something that I do in my grateful journal is include 3 items per day - something that I was grateful for in the past, something I am grateful for in the present and something I am going to be grateful for in the future. That is a bit different twist and it keeps it interesting. At the end of the year, I take time to review my 3rd item per day and highlight the ones that came to pass!  

After the month is over, take notice of what was repeated, and what wasn't mentioned. It is always intriguing to review those kinds of things. 

This is something great to do on a personal level but expand on it and do it as well on a professional level. You will see things change in both environments because you choose to do it!

Questions to Ponder: 

In doing this exercise, did you notice a shift inside you?  

Do you notice that you may focus more on the positive instead of the negative? 

At the end of the month, comment or email and let us know if you will continue or not!

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