Love: What does this little word mean to you? This little word has many different meanings to people. People say it all the time, but what is their version of love… what does it mean to them? When someone says I love you, it tends to be taken in the context of your definition of […]
Business & Personal Tip – Depression – Aug 6/24
Depression: This topic came up yesterday when we had some company over. They came over to be in a different environment other than their house. Covid, the past few years, and the weird weather patterns we have been having has contributed to more depression than ever, in my opinion. People have gotten the vaccine with […]
Business & Personal Tip – Laughter – Aug 5/24
Laughter: Laughter is the best medicine. What do you do that makes you laugh or gives you the giggles every day? Is it a regular sitcom that you watch and enjoy? Is it a joke book in the bathroom? What puts a smile on your face daily? It is very important to smile and laugh […]
Business & Personal Tip – Blah – Aug 3 & 4/24
Blah: Do you ever feel this way? It has been a bit of a weird year weatherwise – more unpredictable than ever before. After talking with quite a few people, due to the unpredictable weather patterns, snow, wind, fires, storms, hail, rain, the unrelenting heat, it seems to have taken a toll on people and […]
Business & Personal Tip – TGIF – Aug 2/24
TGIF: We embark on yet another weekend – a long weekend – some time to ourselves! I plan on doing very little this weekend. I am going to hang out in my jammies, watch movies – I will elaborate more on this tomorrow! I must admit though that I am very fortunate. I do enjoy […]
Business Tip – First Day – Aug 1/24
First day: Think back to your first day. How did you feel? What did you do? What did you notice? How have you grown since then? During your first week, did you think of changing some things or notice that some things could benefit by changing? Did you ever make an effort to do that? […]
Personal Tip – Loneliness – Aug 1/24
Loneliness: I would say that is one word that comes to mind during the pandemic and really opened our eyes to that. Due to the restrictions and lock downs, it kept people inside and without a lot of outside communication or visitation. With a lot of people working from home as well, there was a […]
Business Tip – Weekends – July 31/24
Weekends: What do you do on the weekends for downtime? Does it rejuvenate you? Sometimes we take time to rest and sometimes we use our weekends to get things done. When we use them to accomplish things around the house, work on our vehicle, work in our yard, go away or do an activity, or […]
Personal Tip – Photos – July 31/24
Photos: In a world where the younger generations are continually taking selfies – which honestly just amazes me; I have never enjoyed my photo being taken, never mind sharing it with other people and the world… Due to this, I am usually the one taking the photos. This can be a good thing, but I […]
Business Tip – Client Incentives – July 30/24
Client Incentives: Do you have an incentive program for your clients or little incentives for the products or services that you provide? Sometimes these can be very beneficial to add into your current setup, structure or process. It is definitely helpful when starting with a new client. An introductory price, sale, promotion, gift, and other […]
Personal Tip – Memories – July 30/24
Memories: All of us have memories; some are great, some are amazing, some are tough and some are ones we would like to forget. Either way, they are part of what makes us who we are today. Sometimes we focus too much on the ones we wish we could forget and forget about the good […]
Business & Personal Tip – Volunteering – July 29/24
Volunteering: Have you taken the opportunity to volunteer to assist in something? There are so many businesses, places, organizations, non-profits, and senior’s homes that utilize and need people to volunteer their time. If you have time, it is well worth the effort of volunteering. I started volunteering when I was 12 at a Senior’s Home […]