Hardware Upgrade: With technology, it is ever changing. Our PC’s are good for about 5 years of life. It is a machine that works roughly 8-10 hours a day 5 to 6 days a week and we expect them to work every day all day without fail….But they do fail, and they do come to […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Christmas Baking – Dec 16/21
Christmas Baking: I am fortunate that I live in the same area as my folks. We get together every now and then. This past weekend, we did some Christmas baking. My youngest daughter got to learn some recipes that we have made through the years. Some recipes were from my mom’s mom, some were from […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Marketing – Dec 15/21
Marketing: Clickbank: This is something that I have recently found out about. It is a really neat concept for Affiliate Marketing. I have been looking into the different options that Clickbank offers and have found that I am liking the concept and the way that it is set up. You can use this as a […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Simpler Times – Dec 15/21
Simpler Times: Before the invention of cell phones, people were more relaxed. If they missed a call, they didn’t even know about it half the time, or they would check their voicemail and eventually call them back. It was a very different time. Now people get upset if they can’t get a hold of you […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Finding Great Talent – Dec 14/21
Finding Great Talent: Do you use a recruiting company or do you prefer to use in house personnel (HR department) to hire new employees? There are so many different options in finding talent for your organization. But how do you know whether you are hiring the right person for the role? It may cost a […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Cold Weather – Dec 14/21
Cold Weather: The biggest key to staying warm in the winter months is to layer. When you layer, you keep your core temperature up. If you get too warm, you can take a layer off. There are so many different options now a days for staying warm: You can buy jackets, hoodies, vests, socks, insoles, […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Starting a Business – Dec 13/21
Starting a Business: During this pandemic, I think more people have thought about going out on their own than ever before. But where do you start? First comes the idea. Next, the concept. Will it be online or brick and mortar? Will it be sole proprietorship or how will it be set up? Who will […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Good Will – Dec 13/21
Good Will: Every year around Thanksgiving, I take time to organize my house – go through closets, drawers and the rest of the house. Whatever I haven’t used in the last year – I take it to good will. This helps me to declutter my house and get rid of things that are not being […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Hot Lunch – Dec 11 & 12/21
Hot lunch: During the winter, if you work outside or not in a setting where there is a lunchroom, it is nice to be able to have a hot lunch. Especially during those really cold days. This is what I am looking at getting my husband for Christmas. These are quite interesting and a inexpensive. […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Healthy Love & Acceptance – Dec 11 & 12/21
Healthy Love & Acceptance by Others: I believe it is these two words that keep people motivated. Everyone is looking for, striving for love and acceptance. Whether it be in family, friendships, relationships, work, etc. When you feel loved and accepted for who you are, you feel more confident, more centered. You are more likely […]
Business Tip / Opinion – SOP’s – Dec 10/21
Safe Operating Procedures: How are your processes to understand? Are they confusing, do they make sense? When creating SOP’s, think as if you have been in the company for 2 days and you are having to do this particular process. Look at it through fresh eyes. Are there any steps missing? Does it flow and […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Lubrication Part 2 – Dec 10/21
Vehicle Oil Tip: Part Two: Adding Lucas Heavy Duty Oil Stabilizer or Synthetic Oil Stabilizer to your engine oil, transmission oil or differential oil will extend the life of your engine. Doing this every oil change will keep money in your pocket and keep your vehicle running smoother. Lucas Oil Stabilizer makes good oil better!! […]