Succession Planning: Succession planning is a process that ensures your company is prepared for the future. That way, when a key employee leaves, you already have someone in mind to fill their position (who, hopefully, has been groomed for this eventuality). Succession planning keeps your business moving forward during the inevitable changes that come with […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – 5 Love Languages – Jan 7/22
The 5 Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman: I read this book almost 20 years ago, and I still refer to it today. I found it to be spot on and gave some understanding on how people feel loved – what fills their love tank, so to speak. When you are speaking someone’s love language, […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Social Distancing – Jan 6/22
In a world of social distancing how do we convey our love to our loved ones and make sure they know we love them? I say this because I was raised in a very loving family – we hugged regularly and showed our love in a healthy physical manner – touching a hand or shoulder […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Mentoring – Jan 6/22
Mentoring: This seems to be a dying art. It used to be something people were proud to be. I have found in my experience that people would rather hoard the information they know than share it for numerous reasons; fear of being let go or fired, sense of job security, not enough time, too busy, […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Cutting Costs – Jan 5/22
Downsizing Business Expenses: Sometimes, we have to seriously look at adjusting our spending. Some companies hire a bean counter, some people make aggressive changes, some make passive changes, some downsize their employees. Actually, the latter is something that people tend to start with as it is seems to be the best way to cut costs […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Sleep – Jan 5/22
Sleep: How much sleep do we really need? We can research what they say is optimal sleep for us, however, we are all different. The way I gauge this is if I wake up prior to my alarm going off, then I know that I have had enough sleep. I do notice that during colder […]
Business & Personal Tip / Opinion – Allow Yourself Time – Jan 4/22
I took an extra couple days off. Just needed that time to relax and chill. I think it is important that we know that about ourselves – when we need to allow ourselves to do that. First we got a lot of snow over a two day span that had to be dealt with on […]
Happy New Year !!
Business & Personal Tip / Opinion – Snow Days – Dec 27/21
Snow Days: We didn’t have much snow prior to Christmas and this year I struggled to get into the Christmassy Spirit – I believe maybe because of the lack of snow, it really didn’t look or feel like Christmas, maybe Covid has kind of taken a toll on celebrations, I’m really not sure but think […]
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Business Tip / Opinion – Be Realistic – Dec 24/21
Be Realistic: You can’t do everything at once. I know how it is to want things the way that you want them, but you can’t kill yourself trying to get there. Prioritize things as you can, roll with the punches when you have to, and breathe and relax. It will get there – it may […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Hormone Changes – Dec 24/21
Hormone Changes: I never really noticed things changing – until my youngest started having issues with her acne and then I noticed that some of my issues might be changing hormones due to my age. Little annoyances didn’t really make me think about it until it had probably gone on for over 2 years. Check […]