Happy Valentine’s Day: I want to take a moment to wish everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day. This Valentine’s Day, I want you to do something different. I want you to do something for yourself – do an act of love and kindness for you… Buy yourself something special, treat yourself to something different, do something […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Extreme Weather – Feb 12 & 13/22
Extreme Weather: This winter, we have had some very different weather. One day it is -45 with the wind chill, the next day it is +4 and melting. People have missed more work this year than in the past due to the extreme winter conditions in our area. People are stuck at home, as they […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Encouragement – Feb 12 & 13/22
Encouragement: What comes to mind when you think of this word? The word that comes to mind when I think of encouragement is support – positive support. I am fortunate that I am surrounded by people who encourage me on a regular basis. We encourage each other – to be better, to try new things, […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Prioritizing – Feb 11/22
Prioritizing: How do you prioritize things in your day? Do you use a certain software? Do you use your calendar? Do you use your phone? Do you use a list? We have many things and tasks to accomplish any given day. Some things take precedence over others. Sometimes we include so many items on our […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Dream – Feb 11/22
Dream: Sometimes in our life, it can be next to impossible to dream. One day rolls into the next, and the next, etc. We get into the pattern of existing and surviving and lose hope in our dreams. What are your dreams? What do you hope for? What have you hoped for? Questions to Ponder: […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Appreciation – Feb 10/22
Appreciation: How do you show appreciation to your staff members, co-workers, couriers, etc. We take many things for granted during the day that others do for us. All it takes is a few words that would really make someone else’s day and put a bounce in their step, so to speak. Questions to Ponder: What […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Love – Feb 10/22
Love: What does this little word mean to you? This little word has many different meanings to people. People say it all the time, but what is their version of love… what does it mean to them? When someone says I love you, it tends to be taken in the context of your definition of […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Freedom in Work – Feb 9/22
Freedom in work: When I say this, I am meaning freedom and trust in the position that the employee holds. When you trust in your employee’s capabilities, you give them the freedom to complete their jobs or tasks with little supervision and no micromanagement. When you do not have that level of trust, either in […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Valentine’s Day – Feb 9/22
Valentine’s Day: Soon another Valentine’s Day will be here. It is a day that has been exploited by many retailers. What do you normally do for Valentine’s Day? What would you prefer to do instead? When I lived in Mexico, I found this day to be more enjoyable. They celebrate it a bit differently than […]
Business & Personal Tip / Opinion – Communication – Feb 8/22
Communication: Whether you are a supporter of the Freedom Convoy 2022 or not, I think it is safe to say that we would all agree on this particular point. Communication is an essential part to: Relationships Resolution Teamwork Understanding Concepts Relating Conflict Without communication we really have nothing. You can’t relate to your spouse, partner, […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Determination – Feb 7/22
Determination: Certain things bring out our determination more than others. Being determined keeps you motivated to finish and complete a particular mission, idea or thought. Being determined helps assist in achieving goals and deadlines. It helps you to achieve things both professionally and personally. Professionally, it can aid in your promotion, position and respect within […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Depression – Feb 7/22
Depression: This topic came up yesterday when we had some company over. They came over to be in a different environment other than their house. Covid, the past two years, and the harsh winter we have been having has contributed to more depression than ever, in my opinion. People have gotten the vaccine with the […]