Life Insurance: This is another topic that people struggle with. So I am going to start out with questions to ponder first. Questions to Ponder: Do you want your loved ones to struggle after you are gone? Should your spouse and kid’s lives change drastically once you have passed? Is it fair for them to […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Growing Your Business – Feb 21/22
Growing your business: The last two years have been a trying time in this department. Some business have thrived depending on what product or service they offer. Others have struggled due to restrictions. Questions to Ponder: Where are you sitting in your business currently? How does your profit / loss report look? Here are some […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Wills – Feb 21/22
Wills: Let’s start with this one. If you don’t create a will, the government has the right to divide your possessions and estate. Each province in Canada does it a little differently and allows for more complications during an already difficult time for the ones left behind. Dying without a Will can create problems for […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Business Arrangements – Feb 19 & 20/22
Business Arrangements: As I am discussing many different topics around Death and choices in the Personal Tips / Opinions this week, I am posing this question to Business Owners. Questions to Ponder: What happens with your business in your demise? Do you have your business affairs in order? There are necessary steps to take when […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Tough Conversations – Feb 19 & 20/22
Tough Conversations: After writing my last post it brought some other topics to mind that a lot of people don’t like to think about, never mind discuss. Wills, Life Insurance, Critical or Disability Insurance, Health Care Directives (Living Wills), Funeral Arrangements, Obituary and so forth. I feel very fortunate in my life as my dad […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Inventory Options – Feb 18/22
Inventory Options: Depending on your amount of inventory depends on the options that you have for counting. If you have a lower amount of items and it is something that 2 people could count in one day, then it would be beneficial to count and reconcile monthly. By being able to reconcile on a monthly […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Fire Insurance – Feb 18/22
Fire Insurance: We had a fire in our city yesterday in an apartment block – one that was being built, so no one was hurt or lives changed for that matter. In saying that though, it gets me to think about sharing this information. Do you have enough insurance? A lot of renters do not […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Distractions – Feb 17/22
Distractions: Whether you are working from home or going to work outside of the home, there are many distractions in a day that can shift your focus. Working from home has many different distractions, such as cleaning, cooking, children, animals, friends calling, and other personal distractions, along with work distractions that can shift your direction […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – De-stressing – Feb 17/22
A trend I have noticed over the last few months with friends and family, along with comments made, is that part of their de-stressing routine is playing games on their phones. They do this regularly – while watching tv, while waiting on anything, on coffee breaks, while on the phone, while waiting on their food […]
Business & Personal Tip / Opinion – Mitigating Risk – Feb 16/22
I only combine the two tips into one when I feel strongly about a topic and feel the need to emphasize it on some level by just having one post that day. I feel this is one of those points. Mitigating Risk: The risk mitigation involves development of mitigation plans designed to manage, eliminate, or reduce […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Customer Service & Covid – Feb 15/22
Customer Service & Covid: This is an interesting topic. Customer Service has meant many things in the past before Covid. Since Covid, things have changed. Some companies have really stepped up their customer service by providing different services – adding the option of delivery, curb side pick-up, changing their products or services to provide the […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Moving Forward – Feb 15/22
Moving Forward: How do you move forward when you feel like you are stuck in the mud… This past couple of years has kept us in a holding pattern. With lock downs, restrictions and mandates leading our lives, we have been stuck so to speak. It has been hard to move in any direction, especially […]