Significance of Names: Do you know the meaning and significance of your name? I have an interesting book that has intrigued me with the meaning of names and taken them a bit deeper. It is by Dorothea Austin – It gives the Origin, Inherent Meaning, Spiritual Connotation and Scripture. It has been a book […]
Business & Personal Tip / Opinion – Reality of Life – Mar 14/22
Reality of Life: I am back – it has been a while. Sometimes, you need to know when to take a break. A family member that lives far away had recently got into a car accident. Having to deal with it through great distance and time change is never easy. I helped another family member […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Obituary – Feb 28/22
Obituary: Why would I create my own obituary – this is what I mentioned in yesterday’s post. I made a choice to write my own obituary because I am the only person who truly knows my own story. Having other people write it puts the obituary in their perspective and they highlight only what they […]
Business & Personal Tip – Priorities – Feb 26 & 27/22
Priorities: I have talked about two subjects over the past few months – priorities and time off. Due to some recent circumstances, I am having to listen to my own advice – lol! I am needing to take at least a week off in order to prioritize a family emergency and be where I am […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Funeral Arrangements – Feb 26 & 27/22
Funeral Arrangements: People have the option to make these decisions prior to their demise with Funeral Homes. It is definitely something to look into and put down on paper. It also gives you the option to start paying a small fee on this instead of burdening others with the cost of this. My parents have […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Liability Insurance – Feb 25/22
Liability Insurance: Do you have the right liability insurance for your business? This is something that really needs to be looked into seriously. It can be costly but the cost of not having it can cost even more. Have a look at these websites to see if this is something that might be beneficial for […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Death – Feb 25/22
Death: Now that we have discussed a few different topics around this subject, let’s talk about the subject itself. Death. This is a subject that many people do not want to think about or talk about with others. Recognize that at some point in our lives, this is actually going to happen to all of […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Pension Plans – Feb 24/22
Pension Plans: Many companies have opted out of pension plans, which is unfortunate in my opinion. Many people used to stay at their employment because of the pension, so it used to help in the longevity of keeping your employees. There are different options when providing a pension. Some companies can match the percentage that […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Critical Illness / Disability Insurance – Feb 24/22
Critical Illness and Disability Insurance: Some people look at this type of insurance and do not see the benefit. I was one of these people. I did purchase this type of insurance for my mortgage, as I had a significant amount of life insurance, my mortgage broker suggested that I should instead purchase critical and […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Short Term Disability – Feb 23/22
Short Term Disability: A lot of companies have gone away from including this in their benefits package as it can be covered by EI. This is true, but there may be some things that companies are not aware of when they make the decision to exclude this from their benefits package. Although your employees can […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Living Will – Feb 23/22
Living Will: This is a will that captures the ability for you to have and make all necessary choices for your life if you become incapacitated and in a circumstance where you can’t make your own decisions – usually brought on by an accident or illness. Living wills and other advance directives are written, legal […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Advertising – Feb 22/22
Advertising: What captures people’s attention? It is always beneficial to do something catchy regarding your business. What is your business slogan or have you created one? What is a sticky note saying that captures what you do? When you have created it, how do you or how will you use it? Do you do internet […]