Death Now that we have discussed a few different topics around this subject, let’s talk about the subject itself. Death. This is a subject that many people do not want to think about or talk about with others. Recognize that at some point in our lives, this is actually going to happen to all of […]
Business & Personal Tip – Critical Illness & Disability Insurance – Aug 20/24
Critical Illness & Disability Insurance Although this information may not pertain to Seniors as much as their loved ones. We felt it was beneficial to add along with the other topics to complete the series! Some people look at this type of insurance and do not see the benefit. I was one of these people. […]
Business & Personal Tip – Life Insurance – Aug 19/24
Life Insurance Again, this is another subject more geared towards Seniors loved ones, as it gets way more expensive with age. It is something to be considered once starting a family, but completing the series, it is beneficial to at least include in the information provided. This is another topic that people struggle with. So […]
Business & Personal Tip – Living Wills – Aug 17 & 18/24
Living Wills or HCD & Health Care POA These can be referred to as Living Wills or Health Care Directives. This is a will that captures the ability for you to have and make all necessary choices for your life if you become incapacitated and in a circumstance where you can’t make your own decisions […]
Business & Personal Tip – Wills – Aug 16/24
Wills If you don’t create a will, the government has the right to divide your possessions and estate. Each province in Canada does it a little differently and allows for more complications during an already difficult time for the ones left behind. Dying without a Will can create problems for those you leave behind. First, […]
Business & Personal Tip – Tough Conversations – Aug 15/24
Tough Conversations After writing my last post it brought some other topics to mind that a lot of people don’t like to think about, never mind discuss. Wills, Life Insurance, Critical or Disability Insurance, Health Care Directives (Living Wills), Funeral Arrangements, Death, Obituary and so forth. I feel very fortunate in my life as my […]
Business & Personal Tip – Content Insurance – Aug 14/24
Content Insurance We had a fire last year in our city in an apartment block – one that was currently under construction, so no one was hurt or lives changed for that matter. Recently a few of us were talking about that experience and event. In saying that, it gets me to think about sharing […]
Business & Personal Tip – De-stressing – Aug 13/24
De-stressing: A trend I have noticed over the last few months with friends and family, along with comments made, is that part of their de-stressing routine is playing games on their phones. They do this regularly – while watching tv, while waiting on anything, on coffee breaks, while on the phone, while waiting on their […]
Business & Personal Tip – Mitigating Risk – Aug 12/24
Mitigating Risk: The risk mitigation involves development of mitigation plans designed to manage, eliminate, or reduce risk to an acceptable level. Once a plan is implemented, it is continually monitored to assess its efficacy with the intent of revising the course-of-action if needed. Risk mitigation planning is the process of developing options and actions to enhance […]
Business & Personal Tip – Moving Forward – Aug 10 & 11/24
Moving Forward: How do you move forward when you feel like you are stuck in the mud… This past few years kind of kept us in a holding pattern. It has been hard to move in any direction, especially in a forward motion. We all seem to be waiting on something to happen – something […]
Business & Personal Tip – Encouragement – Aug 9/24
Encouragement: What comes to mind when you think of this word? The word that comes to mind when I think of encouragement is support – positive support. I am fortunate that I am surrounded by people who encourage me on a regular basis. We encourage each other – to be better, to try new things, […]
Business & Personal Tip – Dream – Aug 8/24
Dream: Sometimes in our life, it can be next to impossible to dream. One day rolls into the next, and the next, etc. We get into the pattern of existing and surviving and lose hope in our dreams. What are your dreams? What do you hope for? What have you hoped for? Questions to Ponder: […]