Words vs Actions: Actions Speak Louder Than Words – that is an age old expression and it speaks the truth. Many things are said in a day by many different people in our lives, but do their words match their actions that follow. When words and actions don’t line up it can cause great confusion, […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Language – Apr 20/22
Language: What is your official first language? With travel being easier over the last two decades, people have moved all over the world and switched locations. Usually the hardest part of this transition is the language barrier. Talking to people is a necessity in life and it can be very difficult when you are living […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Muscle Testing – Apr 20/22
Muscle Testing: What do you know about muscle testing? It is something that I was introduced to many years ago and have found beneficial to my life. It is something I do for many different reasons and I find that it works for me. Some people in my inner circle use it, some people believe […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Accidents – Apr 19/22
Accidents: What do you consider an accident to be? Accidents happen throughout our life, both personally and professionally. Some are minuscule, they can be many different varying sizes and scales, some are massive and some can even end in death. The thing about accidents is that they are unplanned – they happen and then we […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Soul – Apr 19/22
Soul: A lot of people think the spirit and soul are the same, some people think it is different. I have looked through many different websites and found this one to resonate the most with me on this subject. The main difference between soul and spirit is that the soul is the spiritual part what we carry after our […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Near Miss – Apr 18/22
Near Misses: What is your definition of a near miss? To me, it is kind of self-explanatory – a near miss… it is something that has occurred or taken place that could have caused damage, bodily harm or otherwise, but for some reason it didn’t… We have many of these incidents in a day, if […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Spirit – Apr 18/22
Spirit: We talked about body and mind last week. What do you do for your spirit on a regular basis? There are different things that you can do for your spirit that you do for your body and mind – such as working out, meditating, etc., but there are other things that you can do […]
Business & Personal Tip / Opinion – Happy Easter – Apr 16 & 17/22
Happy Easter: To me, Easter is a time for new beginnings, which is why I like to have a time of self-reflection on Good Friday. Good Friday’s reflection, gives me the new or different direction to go for my new beginning. It is interesting, when you have that view, that way every year, life can […]
Business & Personal Tip / Opinion – Good Friday – Apr 15/22
Good Friday: Good Friday is not just a day off of work – it is a time to reflect on life and your choices. Regardless of your religious beliefs whether you have any or not, utilize this day to reflect on your life – past – present and future. It is a day of self-reflection. […]
Business & Personal Tip / Opinion – Storms – Apr 14/22
Storms: There was a very bad storm front on the way and for the first time since I can remember, everything shut down prior to the storm – which was actually a very eerie feeling. They were predicting snow (wet snow) of between 50 – 80 cm, up to 90 km per hour winds, along […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Incidents – Apr 13/22
Incidents: How do you handle incidents that happen in the workplace? Some people have a system or process in place for this, with the necessary paperwork to record such mishaps, some don’t. Although, we hope that we do not have to deal with these, they can and do happen. It is important to have things […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Mind – Apr 13/22
Mind: What do you do on a regular basis that is for you mind? There are many different ways that we can take care of our minds? We can meditate, pray, listen to calming music, rest, relax, watch a funny show or movie, go to counselling, play games on our devices, a weekend away from […]