SDS – Safety Data Sheets: Have you changed over your MSDS to the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) format – SDS’s? It was a lot of work for companies to change over to the GHS, but it was worth the effort, so that everything is consistent and easier to understand and now it’s worldwide […]
Personal Tip – …for Granted – May 2/23
Taking people for granted: We have all been guilty of this at some point in our lives. The expression “you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone”, comes to mind. So, before that happens, take a moment to think of the loved ones in your life and if you lost them – think of […]
Business Tip – WCB – May 1/23
WCB: Worker’s Compensation Board: The Workers Compensation Board promotes safety and health in Manitoba workplaces and aims to help prevent and reduce the occurrence of workplace injuries and disease. Working with its partners, the WCB promotes safe and healthy workplaces, facilitates recovery and return to work, provides compassionate and supportive compensation services for workers and […]
Personal Tip – Soul – May 1/23
Soul: A lot of people think the spirit and soul are the same, some people think it is different. I have looked through many different websites and found this one to resonate the most with me on this subject. The main difference between soul and spirit is that the soul is the spiritual part what we carry after our […]
Business Tip – Safety Manuals – Apr 29 & 30/23
Safety Manuals: Are you involved in an industry where you are required to have a Safety Manual? Even if you are in an industry that doesn’t require these, there are many good aspects that could be incorporated into your business that would be beneficial. A Safety program keeps people accountable in many different ways. There […]
Personal Tip – Spirit – Apr 29 & 30/23
Spirit: We have talked about the body and mind. What do you do for your spirit on a regular basis? There are different things that you can do for your spirit that you do for your body and mind – such as working out, meditating, etc., but there are other things that you can do […]
Business Tip – Ergonomics – Apr 28/23
Ergonomics for People Working from Home: This is something that office spaces have been working on perfecting over the last decade to create a better, healthier work place environment for the health and safety of their employees. Now that a lot more people are working from home, they may start having issues they will need […]
Personal Tip – Mind – Apr 28/23
Mind: What do you do on a regular basis that is for you mind? There are many different ways that we can take care of our minds? We can meditate, pray, listen to calming music, rest, relax, watch a funny show or movie, go to counselling, play games on our devices, a weekend away from […]
Business Tip – Vehicle Battery Safety – Apr 27/23
Vehicle Battery Safety: Recently this was brought to my attention as a friend of a friend was hurt this year and was hospitalized for a while and may have lifelong repercussions because of it. It is something I wasn’t aware that could happen. I am sure lots of people reading this will already know this […]
Personal Tip – Body – Apr 27/23
Body: What do you do on a regular basis that is for your body? Some people exercise, do yoga, go to the gym, run and that is one form of taking care of your body. I call it working from the outside in! Some people watch what they eat, take supplements, do cleanses or detox’s […]
Business Tip – My POV on Safety – Apr 26/23
My POV on Safety: I have done many safety presentations, tool box talks, safety audits, safety courses and on many occasions I have utilized this video. I have shared this video with my family and friends to help give them a greater understanding and thought process on Safety. This video has definitely impacted me the […]
Personal Tip – Mission – Apr 26/23
Mission: I believe we all have a purpose in life – a mission… Businesses create a Mission statement to reveal their core purpose, focus, goals and key objectives. I think it would be beneficial to create one for our personal lives. It would help us to build, create and leave a legacy. It would be […]