Software Tip 2: Is your software working for you or are you working for it? There are a lot of exceptional software options – what percentage are you utilizing it. Do you have overlap? Most of the software programs we have, we only utilize a small percentage of it but there is so much […]
Personal Tip – Self-Maintenance – May 24/23
Self-Maintenance: We take better care of our vehicles than we do ourselves. We keep up on the maintenance, regular oil changes, etc. We take our bodies and mind for granted. We have such high expectations regarding our bodies and minds. We expect them to run great every day – at times or with regular lack […]
Business Tip – Software – May 23/23
Software Tip: There are so many different options to choose from with so many different price tags. A lot of time we tend to go for the cheaper one and that is our deciding factor. Before you purchase one, think about what it is exactly you are expecting the software to do for you… Then […]
Personal Tip – Judgement – May 23/23
Judgement: Why do we feel it necessary to judge others and what they are doing with their lives? Really, when you think about it – what gives us the right or entitlement to feel that way? We should have no control over what they do, so why do we feel it is important to share […]
Business Tip – Information Technology – May 22/23
Information Technology: Do you have a backup solution? Most people do not think of this as a necessary product or expense but it truly is – think of the hours of work that have gone into creating what you currently have and what it would mean to you if one day you turned on your […]
Personal Tip – Challenge Yourself – May 22/23
Challenge yourself today. Make a point of making someone smile – whether it is the gas attendant, cashier, a grumpy co-worker – just someone out of your circle… give them a reason to smile today! We see people where they are at not necessarily who they are. We have no idea what people are going […]
Business & Personal – Time is Short… – May 20 & 21/23
Time is short… Normally I write separate posts for business and personal, however, once in a while I write about a topic that hits both – then I only write one post. Yesterday and today’s post is like that. Since the beginning of 2022, I have personally known quite a few people that have passed […]
Business & Personal Tip – Living the Dream – May 19/23
Living the Dream… Are you? or is it just a sarcastic phrase you say to yourself and others? Think about it… What would make that statement come to life in your life? Questions to Ponder: Are you happy? Are the things you are doing in your life bringing you joy and peace? Do you enjoy […]
Business Tip – Proactive vs Reactive – May 18/23
Proactive vs Reactive: What are the benefits of being proactive vs reactive? Being proactive in life is a much smoother, calmer, more enjoyable way to live. In business, we can tend to get into the habit of fighting fires – this can create a chaotic work environment with heaps of pressure and stress. It is […]
Personal Tip – Wedding Season – May 18/23
Wedding Season: It’s back to being wedding time! The pandemic put a damper on this, however, it is back to normal now and the weddings have started! A few people I know had put their plans on hold, so that they could have their moment with their family and friends by their side on their […]
Business Tip – Root Cause – May 17/23
Root Cause: When you read that – what comes to mind? In both our personal and business lives, this is something that is often disregarded. Think about it as a tree – the root of the tree, the trunk, the limb, the branches, the twigs, the leaves and possibly fruit. Throughout our life, it is […]
Personal Tip – Significance of Celebrations – May 17/23
Significance of Celebrations: Over the past few years, we have found out just how important these family get togethers are. During the pandemic, celebrations were cancelled or postponed or downsized to accommodate the different regulations depending on your area. As we got back into our new normal, things were opening up more and gatherings became […]