Wearing Different Hats: In small companies it is necessary for the employees to wear different hats (different roles/jobs). Sometimes the hats we are wearing do not fit or suit us therefore providing an environment of lack of passion and engagement. When we have lack of passion and engagement, our heart is no longer involved and […]
Personal Tip – Patience – May 31/23
Patience: In this world of instant gratification, we have come to expect results to whatever it is we are working on to be instant. For Example: weight loss or even weight gain for some, results from working out, results from starting a business, etc. We may not see the results immediately, but don’t quit. Make […]
Business Tip – Human Error – May 30/23
Human Error: To err is human… It is and has been an expression for years, and there is truth in it! In every position that I have held, I have looked into this little saying and looked for areas that we can cause errors. I do my best to minimize the human error risk by […]
Personal Tip – Pain – May 30/23
Pain is relative: What does that even mean? Pain is pain – something that hurts – whether it be physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, pain is pain and there are many different types of pain. Some pains are debilitating –which means it stops you where you are and does not allow you to move – again […]
Business Tip – Fulfillment – May 29/23
Fulfillment: Are you passionate about what you do? Were you once passionate? If so, what changed? It is important to have fulfillment at the end of the day. I believe it is something inside us that needs to be fed accordingly. How could you make changes to your current role that would help you be […]
Personal Tip – Gratitude Journal – May 29/23
Gratitude Journal – do a grateful or more commonly known gratitude journal for one month. Think of 1-3 items per day that you are grateful for and see if you feel different at the end of it. Something that I do in my grateful journal is include 3 items per day – something that I […]
Business Tip – Email Security – May 27 & 28/23
Email Tip: What are you currently using for email addresses within your company? A lot of people are still using generic email addresses through your internet service provider. Do you know that Microsoft Outlook (Office 365) is a much more secure option for company emails? Microsoft 365 Business Premium provides threat protection, data protection, and […]
Personal Tip – Life as a Car – May 27 & 28/23
Life as a car – if your life was a car, what car would best describe you? We tend to look at the nice race car with the older gentleman driving and comment “mid-life crisis”. As I am now that age, I have a completely different understanding of the person driving the car. It isn’t […]
Business Tip – Hardware Upgrade – May 26/23
Hardware Upgrade: With technology, it is ever changing. Our PC’s are good for about 5 years of life. It is a machine that works roughly 8-10 hours a day 5 to 6 days a week and we expect them to work every day all day without fail….But they do fail, and they do come to […]
Personal Tip – Life as a Tree – May 26/23
Life as a tree – it takes root – some are shallow, some are deep; it branches out in different directions – some just reach for the sky, some twist and turn all over the place, some have many branches, some have very few branches; some are short, some are tall; some are skinny and […]
Business Tip – Firewall Protection – May 25/23
Firewall Protection: Do you have real time security set up? Meaning a firewall that protects you in real time. Real time means that it is changing with the times, it does regular updates to stay current and on top of the newest security threats or have you bought something off the shelf hoping that it […]
Personal Tip – Control – May 25/23
Control: Are you in control of your life or does life seem to be controlling you? Or are you in a perpetual motion of life passing you by and you seem a little out of control? Only you have the power to change that! If you are looking for ways to take back your life, […]