You Matter: Realize you are important to this world because you woke up! You do not have to do or be anything – you matter! We get so caught up in the act of appreciation, acceptance, approval, doing something to get something that we tend to apply that to our life, our worth… We feel […]
Business & Personal Tip – Triggers – Sept 12/24
Triggers: Everyone has them. They are things that come up in the present that remind us of the past and not in a good way. It can happen with friendships, but most of the time it happens with relationships – partners. Your ex has done something that caused you great pain and now you are […]
Business & Personal Tip – The Golden Rule – Sept 11/24
The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Which means treat others how you want to be treated. I grew up living and being taught this rule. This works to an extent but as we have grown and evolved, some people have continued in this manner but on many […]
Business & Personal Tip – Weeding Your Garden – Sept 10/24
Weeding Your Garden: This is an expression I have used over the years to comment on looking at the people you have in your life. After checking out yesterday’s post, think about the friends in your life that have a tendency to take you for granted, use you or make you feel less of a […]
Business & Personal Tip – Friendships – Sept 9/24
Friendships: Friends are an important part of life. True friendships take time establish. In order to have a true friend, you need to allow a certain vulnerability, level of honesty, trust and respect. A lot of people aren’t totally honest with themselves, so it makes it difficult to trust someone else on that level. It […]
Business & Personal Tip – Funny How Life Is – Sept 7 & 8/24
Funny how life is: You know it is more politically correct to fart or burp in public than it is to sneeze or cough. It has become my mother’s nightmare! If people sneeze or cough in public, you can just see everyone’s reaction – but if you fart – no one even notices anymore… It’s […]
Business & Personal Tip – Impact – Sept 6/24
Impact: This one little word took on a whole new meaning in 2020 and still today. We recognize that things have an impact, a ripple effect, consequences, etc. and so do we. As we go through this next month, I believe we will start to have a greater understanding of this word on our lives […]
Business Tip – Lack of Workers – Sept 5/24
Lack of Workers: As people are getting short on employees (and some companies are), please remember that honesty is the best policy. Exaggerating or being dishonest, to get the employees to come on board or sign up, may get the employee in the door, but it may not keep them, in fact it will not […]
Personal Tip – Time – Sept 5/24
Time: Sometimes time seems to stand still, other times it seems to be a race and it just zooms by, other times each moment melds into the next and life is a blur, and then there are the times when it keeps going for everyone else and you just want it to stop… Treasure every […]
Business Tip – Ups & Downs in Business – Sept 4/24
Ups & Downs in Business: In business, it is natural to have its ups and downs. During different times in history, certain types of businesses have struggled and others have thrived. For example, how many people would have thought a few years ago that companies that made face masks would be thriving? So, which category […]
Personal Tip – Stress & Sleep – Sept 4/24
Stress & Sleep: I wish we had a magic button that we could press to help us with our sleeping habits and patterns, especially when we are stressed. How stress plays havoc on your sleep is beyond frustrating at times. You can go to sleep early, sleep all night and wake up feeling like you’ve […]
Business Tip – Inventory – Sept 3/24
Inventory: When doing inventory, whether it be monthly or annually, make sure it makes sense, simplify the process as much as is possible for everyone’s sake. Have sheets that have items laid out the way they are in the store or, so you are not bouncing around looking for things, which can be time consuming. […]