Overtime: How much overtime do you work in a given week or month? Many people are overworked now a days and a lot of that has to do with the fact that there is not enough staff to take on the current workload which forces people to do more overtime than necessary. Does your boss […]
Personal Tip – Go left! – June 7/23
When nothing goes right, go left: Everything is about perspective and attitude. When we start to have a bad day, we tend to start off on the wrong foot and it seems to follow us throughout the day if we don’t shift our thinking from negative to positive. So, remember this little saying – when […]
Business Tip – Diversification – June 6/23
Diversification: Did the Covid Pandemic make you look into other things and diversify. Have you downsized in areas or created new avenues for revenue? Some companies have used the pandemic to thrive while others have struggled? Questions to Ponder: What are areas that you could look into to diversify? What are areas that could be […]
Personal Tip – Patience – June 6/23
Patience: In this world of instant gratification, we have come to expect results to whatever it is we are working on to be instant. For Example: weight loss or even weight gain for some, results from working out, results from starting a business, etc. We may not see the results immediately, but don’t quit. Make […]
Business Tip – Barriers – June 5/23
Barriers: Yesterday, we talked about the language barrier, what other barriers do you face at work? There could be barriers between co-workers, employees and management, procedures and processes, systems, emotional barriers – such as a bad experience that makes you hesitant. There may be barriers from keeping you moving higher or transferring. There are many […]
Personal Tip – 5 Love Languages – June 5/23
The 5 Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman: I read this book almost 20 years ago, and I still refer to it today. I found it to be spot on and gave some understanding on how people feel loved – what fills their love tank, so to speak. When you are speaking someone’s love language, […]
Business Tip – Language – June 3 & 4/23
Language: What is your official first language? With travel being easier over the last two decades, people have moved all over the world and switched locations. Usually the hardest part of this transition is the language barrier. Talking to people is a necessity in life and it can be very difficult when you are living […]
Personal Tip – Emotions – June 3 & 4/23
Emotions: Looking at yesterday’s post, and really taking a deep look within, how do you affect those around you with your emotions? We all have emotions – are they controlling you, or are you controlling them? Sometimes, if we take the time to look at the affect we have on those surrounding us, we have […]
Business Tip – Accidents – June 2/23
Accidents: What do you consider an accident to be? Accidents happen throughout our life, both personally and professionally. Some are minuscule, they can be many different varying sizes and scales, some are massive and some can even end in death. The thing about accidents is that they are unplanned – they happen and then we […]
Personal Tip – Emotions & Animals – June 2/23
Emotions & Animals: Animals are amazing creatures… They feel so many things being around us. They are way more sensitive to moods and have an innate understanding of what we are feeling, what we are going through. It is simply incredible. In saying that, you can also learn a lot about yourself if you look […]
Business Tip – Near Misses – June 1/23
Near Misses: What is your definition of a near miss? To me, it is kind of self-explanatory – a near miss… it is something that has occurred or taken place that could have caused damage, bodily harm or otherwise, but for some reason it didn’t… We have many of these incidents in a day, if […]
Personal Tip – Root Cause – June 1/23
Root Cause: When you read that – what comes to mind? Think about it as a tree – the root of the tree, the trunk, the limb, the branches, the twigs, the leaves and possibly fruit. Many times in life we look at the symptoms instead of the cause. Using a health example – we […]