Business Arrangements: I am posing these questions to any and all Business Owners and then providing some information. Please take this to heart. We have a belief that we are invincible – I am not sure where that thought or feeling has come from – but it tends to be deeply rooted. Then when something […]
Personal Tip – Compassion – June 14/23
Compassion: What is the meaning of Compassion? The meaning of compassion is to recognize the suffering of others and then take action to help. Compassion embodies a tangible expression of love for those who are suffering. What is the definition of Compassion? The definition of compassion, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is the “sympathetic consciousness […]
Business Tip – Inventory Options – June 13/23
Inventory Options: Depending on your amount of inventory depends on the options that you have for counting. If you have a lower amount of items and it is something that 2 people could count in one day, then it would be beneficial to count and reconcile monthly. By being able to reconcile on a monthly […]
Personal Tip – Forgiveness – June 13/23
Forgiveness: Christmas is a time of Miracles…at least that is the theme to many Christmas movies and songs. But it does hold a different energy than the rest of the year. Christmas is a time of reflection, a time to look back, and look forward. A time to right your wrongs, amend things with people, […]
Business Tip – Distractions – June 12/23
Distractions: Whether you are working from home or going to work outside of the home, there are many distractions in a day that can shift your focus. Working from home has many different distractions, such as cleaning, cooking, children, animals, friends calling, and other personal distractions, along with work distractions that can shift your direction […]
Personal Tip – Simpler Times – June 12/23
Simpler Times: Before the invention of cell phones, people were more relaxed. If they missed a call, they didn’t even know about it half the time, or they would check their voicemail and eventually call them back. It was a very different time. Now people get upset if they can’t get a hold of you […]
Tip of the Week – Certifications – June 10 & 11/23
Certifications: There are many different certifications that you can get that will enhance your resume and overall skillset. Many of them are inexpensive and not very time consuming but can give you the edge over another candidate applying for the same position, put you in a position for promotion or a raise. With online learning, […]
Personal Tip – Habits – June 10 & 11/23
Habits: Defined as something that you do often and regularly, sometimes without knowing that you are doing it: and I would add that it is usually something that is hard to stop doing, especially because a lot of the time you don’t notice that you are in fact doing it! Habits can be learned, they can come […]
Business Tip – First Aid Skills – June 9/23
First Aid Skills: In some workplaces or positions, it is important to have your First Aid or CPR certification. However, it is not mandatory in many positions or companies. Questions to Ponder: In saying that, who is qualified in your workplace? If something happened, is there someone or more than one person that could step […]
Personal Tip – Love & Acceptance – June 9/23
Healthy Love & Acceptance by Others: I believe it is these two words that keep people motivated. Everyone is looking for, striving for love and acceptance. Whether it be in family, friendships, relationships, work, etc. When you feel loved and accepted for who you are, you feel more confident, more centered. You are more likely […]
Business Tip – Away Time – June 8/23
Away time: Do you have a job that takes you away from home? There are many jobs and positions that take you away from your family life. Sometimes it is a few weeks a year, other ones it can be on a more regular basis. Questions to Ponder: How do you keep the closeness to […]
Personal Tip – Divorce – June 8/23
Divorce: This is a touchy subject as everyone deals with this differently based on their own personal experiences, past and current circumstances. It is one of those subjects that many people have been through, too many really. It is something you don’t wish on anyone to experience. I have said it is kind of like […]