Performance Reviews: No matter what time of year – it is important to do these annually. Employees like getting feedback – either way, they like to know where they stand and how you feel about their performance. You can’t improve what you don’t know. If you are not doing these on a regular basis, please […]
Personal Tip – A Weekend Away – June 21/23
A Weekend Away: Do you and your partner get enough undivided attention from each other and give enough of it to each other? These past few years’ getaways were harder to do but it showed us just how necessary they are… now with things opened up, I encourage you to spend some quality time together. […]
Business Tip – Liability Insurance – June 20/23
Liability Insurance: Do you have the right liability insurance for your business? This is something that really needs to be looked into seriously. It can be costly but the cost of not having it can cost even more. Have a look at these websites to see if this is something that might be beneficial for […]
Personal Tip – Treasured – June 20/23
Treasured: How do you treat someone special? This is an important part of everyone’s world. It is a wonderful feeling to have someone treat you special, important. We should do it for all those around us on a regular basis. We should do it for our partners, our kids, our family and friends. It is […]
Business Tip – Pension Plans – June 19/23
Pension Plans: Many companies have opted out of pension plans, which is unfortunate in my opinion. Many people used to stay at their employment because of the pension, so it used to help in the longevity of keeping your employees. There are different options when providing a pension. Some companies can match the percentage that […]
Personal Tip – Going to the Races – June 19/23
Going to the Races: As race season here, I just thought I would mention a few things. My son was involved in Motocross – which was a wonderful family experience. I have many wonderful memories around that time in our lives. It is a lot of commitment, time, effort and money… If you are in […]
Business Tip – Short Term Disability – June 17 & 18/23
Short Term Disability: A lot of companies have gone away from including this in their benefits package as it can be covered by EI. This is true, but there may be some things that companies are not aware of when they make the decision to exclude this from their benefits package. Although your employees can […]
Personal Tip – Hormone Changes – June 17 & 18/23
Hormone Changes: I never really noticed things changing – until my youngest started having issues with her acne and then I noticed that some of my issues might be changing hormones due to my age. Little annoyances didn’t really make me think about it until it had probably gone on for over 2 years. Check […]
Business Tip – Advertising – June 16/23
Advertising: What captures people’s attention? It is always beneficial to do something catchy regarding your business. What is your business slogan or have you created one? What is a sticky note saying that captures what you do? When you have created it, how do you or how will you use it? Do you do internet […]
Personal Tip – Peace – June 16/23
Peace: This is a very loaded word. One that not many people have truly captured. It has taken me a lifetime of pursuing peace to finally grasp what it truly is and how to obtain it. First off, I found out that you cannot have peace without forgiveness. You forgive others, not because they deserve […]
Business Tip – Growing your Business – June 15/23
Growing your business: The last few years have been a trying time in this department for some. Some businesses have thrived depending on what product or service they offer. Others have struggled due to restrictions and people getting used to buying more things online, which definitely changed some peoples buying habits. Questions to Ponder: Where […]
Personal Tip – Hydration Pills – June 15/23
Hydration Pills: This is a recent find of mine. My dad struggles to drink enough water and it is starting to cause some unwanted health issues. So, looking at different options, I came across these and thought it is something that probably many people struggle with. Most people struggle with dehydration and don’t understand that […]