RR&E’s: What is a RR&E? Roles, Responsibilities & Expectation…what are your roles, responsibilities and expectations on you in your position? Do you even know? Most people I deal with have no clue as to their job description. This leaves people floundering in their roles and they may not be fulfilling the expectation the company in […]
Business Tip – PDP’s – July 4/23
Personal Development Plan: Have you ever completed one of these through work or even in your personal life? A PDP is very beneficial to help give you direction and goals in your professional life. It assists with management to know where you are at currently and what direction you would like to see your career […]
Personal Tip – Passion – July 4/23
Passion: When you are passionate about what you do; it doesn’t feel like work. You can put in extra time and effort and you are happy to do so. Being passionate about what you are doing is a gift. There are very few people out there that are able to find a job that they […]
Business Tip – Knowledge is Key – July 3/23
Knowledge is Key? No, Applied Knowledge is key! There has always been that saying that knowledge is key…it is only key if you actually utilize that knowledge and put it to use – meaning applying it. We all learn things – usually every day or couple of days there is something that you didn’t know […]
Personal Tip – Acidic vs Alkaline – July 3/23
Acidic vs Alkaline This is something I have struggled with over the last five years. My tell that I am too acidic is heartburn. If I have heartburn for a few days, my throat actually gets sore. I used to think that I was getting a cold and would up my vitamin C and then […]
Business Tip – Abbreviations / Acronyms – July 2/23
Abbreviations / Acronyms: Many different companies and industries use abbreviations or acronyms to shorten things. The trouble with this is sometimes different abbreviations mean different things and people may not always be talking about the same thing depending on what industry or experience they have from their past. If you are going to use abbreviations […]
Personal Tip – Colloidal Silver – July 2/23
Colloidal Silver: Around 1998 my dad had a little pimple like thing above the knuckle on his ring finger. When he squeezed it, it started to spread. The next day a portion of his hand turned purple. The day after that almost his whole hand turned purple… After visiting the doctor, he found out it […]
Happy Canada Day – July 1/23
We live in an Amazing Country with many opportunities and blessings. It also has its issues – just like anything. Today, take a moment and be thankful for Canada and the Freedom that it has to offer!
Business Tip – Up to Code – June 30/23
Up to Code: This is a term that is used a lot in renovations for houses or buildings. Bringing things up to code is an important aspect of business. How is your building looking? Are there things that need to be tended to in your building? Would it affect your insurance if something were to […]
Personal Tip – Sleep – June 30/23
Sleep: How much sleep do we really need? We can research what they say is optimal sleep for us, however, we are all different. The way I gauge this is if I wake up prior to my alarm going off, then I know that I have had enough sleep. I do notice that during colder […]
Business Tip – Have Fun – June 29/23
Have Fun: Today I had a very nice compliment from a client. He is an older gentleman who has been around the block a time or two – he has travelled and been to many different businesses and locations. What he said to me today hit home and I thanked him for his compliment and […]
Personal Tip – Vehicle Rust Tip – June 29/23
Vehicle Rust Tip: I have looked at numerous vehicles on the road and there has always been a common theme. They tend to rust in the same spots. Have you ever wondered why? I have and I asked my husband to explain it to me. They rust in the same spot on vehicles due to […]