Prosperity: What do you think of when you hear or see this word? Upon looking online for a definition or related material on prosperity, it is defined primarily as financial or economic success. I have always looked at this word a little differently. To me it means to have well rounded success and blessings: […]
Business Tip – Foundational Pillars – July 11/23
Foundational Pillars: What are the foundational pillars in your business? Foundational pillars are the key points that your business is built on. These can grow and expand and should be developed throughout the life of the business. They can change and evolve along with the business but should always be at the forefront of the […]
Personal Tip – Grace – July 11/23
Grace: Grace has many different meanings if you look it up. I am utilizing the below definition in this case. When looking it up, it tends to have a religious connotation and there are many spiritual references, and scriptures that one can look up and many of these have been quoted in books, articles, magazines […]
Business Tip – Mergers & Acquisitions – July 10/23
Mergers & Acquisitions: A new trend over the past few years is companies merging or buying other companies to become a power house in their industry. Some companies have almost made this a habit and that is their main focus. It is smart business – buying up your competition or becoming more competitive by getting […]
Personal Tip – Stillness – July 10/23
Stillness: In the last few years, there has been an underlying stillness – almost time standing still. I say this because of the lack of travel, movement, going out, every day was like the one before. For me, this created a stillness, a quietness; previously my life had been very busy – between work, visiting […]
Business Tip – Promotional Items – July 8 & 9/23
Promotional Items: These are things that we really haven’t had to purchase the last little bit as we haven’t had many, if any functions to attend. Now with things opening up, we are allowed to go to conventions and events again – operate booths and hand out promotional items. Questions to Ponder: When you have […]
Personal Tip – Bucket List – July 8 & 9/23
Bucket List: Have you ever truly taken the time to do a bucket list? This is something we talked about regularly in my family and my parents were very good at making a lot of my grandparent’s bucket list items possible. As I got older, I recognized that not many people discussed these kinds of […]
Personal Tip – Kid’s Incentives – July 7/23
Kids Incentives: What is your kid’s currency? What that means is – what motivates your children? When raising kids, there are times when it is useful to use an incentive program; potty training, cleaning their room, assisting with family chores, even good behavior sometimes. There are numerous reasons to enjoy the benefits of incentives. However, […]
Business Tip – Prize Draws – July 7/23
Prize Draws: Do you ever do prize draws for your customers? Some businesses do and you can have lots of fun with it. Sometimes you can do it around an event or sometimes just for the fun of it! I think things have gotten to the point where we need to put fun first – […]
Business Tip – Direction – July 6/23
Direction – what direction is your business headed in and is everyone on board? In business, it is important that your team or staff is heading in the direction that management and ownership is wanting to go in. However, there are many times that I have witnessed that everyone is going in a different direction […]
Personal Tip – Stress – July 6/23
Stress: In the past, a huge stress reliever used to be going away for a winter holiday – to relax on a beach, hang out in the sun, swim, go on local tours, etc. During the past few years this has been a lot harder. In saying that, what are you doing for you to […]
Personal Tip – Life as an Animal – July 5/23
Life as an Animal I was asked in a job interview – if I was an animal, what would I be. Funny this is I had an answer – a specific answer which actually shocked the interviewers. It is something I have thought about periodically through my life – maybe because I absolutely love animals. […]