Memories: All of us have memories; some are great, some are amazing, some are tough and some are ones we would like to forget. Either way, they are part of what makes us who we are today. Sometimes we focus too much on the ones we wish we could forget and forget about the good […]
Business Tip – Advice – July 18/23
Advice: What is the best piece of advice that someone gave you? At the many different phases of business – starting a business – a few years down the road – 10 years into it – or nearing retirement – people will always offer advice or opinions. Some of the opinions or advice will be […]
Personal Tip – Volunteering July 18/23
Volunteering: Have you taken the opportunity to volunteer to assist in something? There are so many businesses, places, organizations, non-profits, and senior’s homes that utilize and need people to volunteer their time. If you have time, it is well worth the effort of volunteering. I started volunteering when I was 12 at a Senior’s Home […]
Business Tip – Safety Manuals – July 17/23
Safety Manuals: Are you involved in an industry where you are required to have a Safety Manual? Even if you are in an industry that doesn’t require these, there are many good aspects that could be incorporated into your business that would be beneficial. A Safety program keeps people accountable in many different ways. There […]
Personal Tip – Helping Others – July 17/23
Helping Others: Are you helping others out of the goodness of your heart, for them, or are you helping others because you get something from it? What is your agenda when helping others? Sometimes, we help others because it fulfills something in our lives. For example, I have helped others in my life because I […]
Business Tip – Training – July 15 & 16/23
Training: This is an interesting topic for companies. Some companies are really invested in their training programs, some have to do upgrade training on a regular basis and some do not see the advantage of training courses their staff. Depending on the business or industry that you operate or are in depends on the training […]
Personal Tip – Make Life Easier – July 15 & 16/23
Make Life Easier: Sometimes, we get tired of the regular routine – especially about this time of year. I think it has something to do with the cold, snow, and just hanging out in the house… Around this time, I get tired of doing the dishes, cooking, cleaning, laundry, shoveling, etc. So, give yourself permission […]
Business Tip – Live Events – July 14/23
Live Events: As things get back to normal so to speak, we are starting to see things open up once again – conferences, conventions, trainings, meetings, etc. However, it is still nice to have the option of the online version, instead of travelling and all that entails. People can once again get together instead of […]
Personal Tip – Distance – July 14/23
Distance: There are times during our relationships that we must spend some time apart. I recently saw a saying that said “Distance doesn’t matter when the roots of your relationship are strong enough”. We have all heard that “Distance makes the heart grow fonder”. To me, there are a few things that go with the […]
Business Tip – Process – July 13/23
Process: Keeping in line with the last few days’ topics, we’ll touch a little bit on process. Franchises have succeeded because of this very thing. They follow a process or system – the franchise owners and staff follow the process or system and do it the same way which is how they are identified and […]
Personal Tip – Crisis – July 13/23
Crisis: Who are you and what are you like during a crisis? How would you describe yourself when you are in the midst of a crisis? How would those around you describe you when you are in a crisis? You can say all kinds of things of who and what you are like during a […]
Business Tip – Structure – July 12/23
Structure: What does your business structure look like? Is it still working for your business? A lot of businesses don’t really put a lot of thought into their structure set up and fly by the seat of their pants just going through the motions every day. Everyone just does what they believe they need to […]