Emotions: What are emotions to you, for you, in you? Our emotions can be soothing, helpful, calming, pleasant, positive and at times they can be aggressive, controlling, all consuming, negative, dangerous and so forth. Questions to Ponder: On a scale of 1-10, where do your emotions fit in you? Do they control you? Do you […]
Business Tip – Work Clothes Allowance – Aug 8/23
Work Clothes Allowance: Some companies have this, and some don’t. If you require your staff to purchase items that they only need for working there, you should consider giving them a clothing allowance. For example: steel toe work boots. If people are required to purchase these in order to work in the business, they should […]
Personal Tip – Pets – Aug 8/23
Pets: If you’re a pet person, then you know just how important pets are to our lives. They give us so much more than we truly know. They are our confidents, our friends, members of the family…they sleep with us, hang with us, give us our space, give themselves space at times (especially cats – […]
Business Tip – Training – Aug 7/23
Training: Does your staff have the necessary training they need and deserve? In more recent years, management has viewed training as part of the safety program and on some levels I would agree with that. There are many safety courses or certifications that are either mandatory, necessary or beneficial for staff to have and learn, […]
Personal Tip – De-stressing – Aug 7/23
De-stressing: A trend I have noticed over the last few months with friends and family, along with comments made, is that part of their de-stressing routine is playing games on their phones. They do this regularly – while watching tv, while waiting on anything, on coffee breaks, while on the phone, while waiting on their […]
Business Tip – Firefighting – Aug 5 & 6/23
Firefighting: Too high of a percentage of businesses operate at this level. What does it take to go from being reactive (fighting fires) to being more proactive? Obviously there are certain steps that will have to be followed in order to accomplish this. You can’t go from being reactive to proactive overnight – it will […]
Personal Tip – Mitigating Risk – Aug 5 & 6/23
Mitigating Risk: The risk mitigation involves development of mitigation plans designed to manage, eliminate, or reduce risk to an acceptable level. Once a plan is implemented, it is continually monitored to assess its efficacy with the intent of revising the course-of-action if needed. Risk mitigation planning is the process of developing options and actions to enhance […]
Business Tip – Root Cause – Aug 4/23
Root Cause: When you read that – what comes to mind? In both our personal and business lives, this is something that is often disregarded. Think about it as a tree – the root of the tree, the trunk, the limb, the branches, the twigs, the leaves and possibly fruit. Throughout our life, it is […]
Personal Tip – Moving Forward – Aug 4/23
Moving Forward: How do you move forward when you feel like you are stuck in the mud… This past couple of years has kept us in a holding pattern and once we get into a pattern, it is hard to get out. It has been hard to move in any direction, especially in a forward […]
Business Tip – Knowledge Share – Aug 3/23
Knowledge Share: A lot of people feel more secure in their position, if they keep the information to themselves – they feel it is a type of job security. They could be right in their thinking. However, if you are away, quit or are sick for a long period of time, how does it help […]
Personal Tip – Depression – Aug 3/23
Depression: This topic came up yesterday when we had some company over. They came over to be in a different environment other than their house. Covid over the past few years, has definitely contributed to more depression than ever, in my opinion. People have gotten the vaccine with the comment that they want things to […]
Business Tip – Mentoring – Aug 2/23
Mentoring: When people retire or move, do you take advantage of the knowledge that they have gained and give them ample time to train the next employee. Many employers lose out on knowledge sharing when people walk out the door after many years of service. Granted the new or chosen employee for the position will […]