Marketing: Online marketing is a different skill set than marketing of old. First let’s review the different types of marketing: 9 different types of marketing taken from: This website says there are 41 types of marketing: This one says 19 types: 40 Effective Strategies: After looking at these, you can see […]
Personal Tip – Doing What’s Right – Aug 28/23
Doing What’s Right: It may not always be easy but you will benefit more in the long run. I have always said – I have to do what I can live with as I have to look at myself in the mirror every morning. Being able to look myself in the eye is important to […]
Business Tip – Presentations – Aug 26 & 27/23
Presentations: We have all seen some sort of presentation – whether live or online. Questions to Ponder: What do you notice about them? What captures your interest? What bores you? Do you understand their graphs or material? Do they read word for word from their slide or do they summarize? A presentation should hold your […]
Personal Tip – Addiction – Aug 26 & 27/23
Addiction: A touchy subject for most. This word means many things to many different people. Some understand it to some point, some embrace it, some defend it, some deny it and others enable it. Nevertheless, this word and the action behind it, has consumed people, has destroyed people, has hurt people, has (you finish this […]
Business Tip – Time Management – Aug 25/23
Time Management Tip: We all have a lot to accomplish in a day, a week, etc. When you focus on too many things at once, nothing seems to get accomplished. Mark down your top 3 things for the day and try your best to accomplish those. At the end of each day, cross off the […]
Personal Tip – Flippy Flop – Aug 25/23
Flippy Flop: It has always interested me or should I say disgusted me in how people flippy flop… It may sound like a weird expression but it is one I use. Others may use the expression – Two Faced. It is when people are for you – your friend, family, loved one, spouse, etc. and […]
Business Tip – Management / Co-worker’s – Aug 24/23
Management / Co-worker’s Tip: Think of one positive quality, added value, characteristic, trait, project, idea, each person in your team offers and let them know. Put this into practice on a weekly basis. Find something different each week and make a point of mentioning it to each person individually. This can also work for co-workers […]
Personal Tip – Interesting Options – Aug 24/23
Interesting Options: While looking into different things in other countries, I came across some interesting ideas that would be a nicety for Canada… In Mexico, they have their blood type on their driver’s license – which makes it so much easier during emergencies for the hospitals if blood is needed – makes it simpler. The […]
Business & Personal Tip – Impactful Quotes – Aug 23/23
Sometimes in life it is important to have a quick saying that helps you get through things. Here is a list of mine that I have found throughout my life that have made an impact – some I have said many times over, some are on plaques or t-shirts that remind me and others made […]
Business & Personal Tip – Crossroads – Aug 22/23
This series that I had originally intended for the Personal Tips for the next few days pertained to the business world as well. I have sometimes used the same tip for both Business and Personal but decided that this whole would be utilized for both tips. They intermingle quite well and I would like to […]
Business & Personal Tip – Defining Moments – Aug 21/23
This series that I had originally intended for the Personal Tips for the next few days pertained to the business world as well. I have sometimes used the same tip for both Business and Personal but decided that this whole would be utilized for both tips. They intermingle quite well and I would like to […]
Business & Personal Tip – Vision – Aug 19 & 20/23
This series that I had originally intended for the Personal Tips for the next few days pertained to the business world as well. I have sometimes used the same tip for both Business and Personal but decided that this whole would be utilized for both tips. They intermingle quite well and I would like to […]