5S Tip: When I would do my presentation on Lean 5S; what it stands for and what difference it makes to your work place, this exercise was the best tool I included in the presentation for the easiest explanation and understanding. I have provided a link in which to complete in your business with your […]
Personal Tip – Being Stuck – Sept 18/23
Being Stuck: Sometimes you are in a position where you are not moving forward. Those times can create different struggles. However, in that moment, stop where you are and take a good look around… are you: There have been times in my life where I have definitely been stuck and not moving forward. Those are […]
Business Tip – Biosecurity – Sept 16 & 17/23
Biosecurity Tip: This has become a serious matter and is necessary to have a particular protocol to set up a plan to create the safest environment as is possible by controlling what you can. What is Biosecurity: Biosecurity can be defined as precautions taken to minimize the risk of introduction of an infectious disease into […]
Personal Tip – Worry – Sept 16 & 17/23
Worry: Worrying does not take away tomorrow’s trouble – it takes away today’s peace. A friend of mine sent that to me the other day. I found this saying to be pretty powerful. I was raised by a mom who believes worrying is part of her traits as a majority of her family had that […]
Business Tip – Ergonomics & Working from Home – Sept 15/23
Ergonomics for People Working from Home: This is something that office spaces have been working on perfecting over the last decade to create a better, healthier work place environment for the health and safety of their employees. Now that a lot more people are working from home, they may start having issues they will need […]
Personal Tip – Overthinking – Sept 15/23
Overthinking: I have spent much of my life overthinking things. It has only been in the last 5 years that I have been able to break this habit, over time. I can say I am free of it now as things do not consume me. I let them go and let life flow. I used […]
Business Tip – Working from Home – Sept 14/23
Working from Home: Do you notice that working from home has created an environment of being more in a silo and less of a team player? When we work alone, it can definitely have that impact on us. Video conferencing definitely helps in this situation to keep more of a team environment, but is it […]
Personal Tip – Stretching – Sept 14/23
Stretching: This is what I call the zone when life gets uncomfortable. We all have our comfort zones and then the times where life gets uncomfortable. This is when you are being stretched, changing, going through things. In your comfort zone, you feel safe, secure, confident, relaxed and generally happy. Life seems to be going […]
Business Tip – Work from Home – Sept 13/23
Work from Home: Work from home or in the office preference? More people than ever have been or are now working from home due to the pandemic. It has given people the opportunity to be home with their family more. It has given people the opportunity to experience working from home. It has given companies […]
Personal Tip – Negative People – Sept 13/23
Negative People: Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution. – Albert Einstein Isn’t that the truth… I never thought about it that way exactly until I read that somewhere. Negative people have a way of feeding off of things… Something inside them needs to be fed with negativity and they […]
Business Tip – QuickBooks – Sept 12/23
QuickBooks: Many people know what QuickBooks is and many people utilize it regularly to do invoicing, receipts, month end, yearend, taxes, and many other accounting aspects. Do you utilize the other benefits of QB’s? Do you utilize the projects tracking, mileage tracking or time tracking portions? There is a huge benefit for tracking your current […]
Personal Tip – Future – Sept 12/23
Future: Does your past dictate your future? We tend to repeat the past and make the same mistakes – with work, with people, with relationships, etc. Many people seem to be facing forward but their feet are facing backward… I say that because they are trying to move forward in life while putting themselves back […]