Subconscious Mind: Our subconscious mind is a very powerful tool if we allow it to be. If not, it becomes a weapon and that is where the expression “we are our own worst enemy” comes to mind. Our subconscious mind is where things go round and round and loop if we let them. Thoughts can […]
Business Tip – Systems & Processes – Sept 25/23
Systems & Processes: What I have learned throughout the years is that larger companies and franchises utilize a system or have numerous people to fulfil many different roles. For small and medium sized companies, employees need to wear different hats in their job as there are less people doing the work. A majority of companies […]
Personal Tip – Habits – Sept 25/23
Habits: Defined as something that you do often and regularly, sometimes without knowing that you are doing it: and I would add that it is usually something that is hard to stop doing, especially because a lot of the time you don’t notice that you are in fact doing it! Habits can be learned, they can come […]
Business Tip – Health & Safety – Sept 23 & 24/23
Health & Safety: This has been a hot topic for many companies in the last decade as Safety has taken precedence over a lot of things – which is important. There are many aspects to Health & Safety in the workplace. One of the hardest things has been changing the culture. Health & Safety is […]
Personal Tip – Instant Gratification – Sept 23 & 24/23
Instant Gratification: In this world of instant gratification, we have come to expect results to whatever it is we are working on to be instant. For Example: weight loss or even weight gain for some, results from working out, results from starting a business, etc. We may not see the results immediately, but don’t quit. […]
Business Tip – Longevity & Loyalty Long Gone – Sept 22/23
Longevity and Loyalty Long Gone? Years ago, people tended to work in one place, collect their pension after their 20, 30 or 40 years of service and were fairly happy at the end of it. In more recent years, people tend to stay anywhere from 2 to 10 years and then end up switching companies […]
Personal Tip – Carpe Diem – Sept 22/23
Carpe Diem: Seize the Day… What does that mean to you specifically… To me, it means living life to the fullest. We have heard the term all our lives and then in 1989 the movie Dead Poets Society – utilized this phrase and most people refer to it now in context with that movie. In […]
Business Tip – Job Security – Sept 21/23
Job Security: This is an interesting topic. I’ve seen a lot of different avenues, thoughts and ideas on this. First Category: Some people believe that by hoarding their workload and being the only person able to do the job creates an atmosphere of job security. Second Category: Others are quite the opposite – they mentor, […]
Personal Tip – Problems – Sept 21/23
Problems: Problems are a temporary, which causes temporary emotions. Making decisions during this time, is something you really have to think about. Since problems are a temporary thing, you have to think about them in this mind frame – will this still be affecting me in this way in 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, […]
Personal & Business Tip – Self-Care – Sept 20/23
Self-Care: Do you take care of you enough on a day to day basis? What little daily changes can you do to make you more of a priority? We often feel that if we are taking care of ourselves, that we are being selfish. Think of what is announced before the airplane takes off about […]
Business Tip – Software Tip – Sept 19/23
Software Tip: As we utilize our software, we usually use it to the best of our ability and knowledge, but there are so many more things we can do with it. Whatever it is – Microsoft Office products (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), an accounting software, a CRM, etc., take time to watch different tutorials as to […]
Personal Tip – Control – Sept 19/23
Control: Are you in control of your life or does life seem to be controlling you? Are you in a perpetual motion of life passing you by and you seem a little out of control? Only you have the power to change that! Many people sit in the passenger seat of their life, while others […]