Technology Reboot: It is amazing how we rely on different pieces of technology every minute of the day! If you go into work and your computer isn’t working properly, your phone glitches or has issues, the technology in your car isn’t working the way it should, it can be very frustrating. Sometimes we have an […]
Personal Tip – Colloidal Silver – Nov 8/23
Colloidal Silver: Around 1998 my dad had a little pimple like thing above the knuckle on his ring finger. When he squeezed it, it started to spread. The next day a portion of his hand turned purple. The day after that almost his whole hand turned purple… After visiting the doctor, he found out it […]
Business Tip – Inventory – Nov 7/23
Inventory: When doing inventory, whether it be monthly or annually, make sure it makes sense, simplify the process as much as is possible for everyone’s sake. Have sheets that have items laid out the way they are in the store or, so you are not bouncing around looking for things, which can be time consuming. […]
Personal Tip – Family – Nov 7/23
Family: Like branches on a tree, we all grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one. Even if we aren’t on the same page or in the same city, family is family – we are rooted – even if the relationship has been damaged or broken, or is going strong. Not all family […]
Business Tip – First Day – Nov 6/23
First day: Think back to your first day. How did you feel? What did you do? What did you notice? How have you grown since then? During your first week, did you think of changing some things or notice that some things could benefit by changing? Did you ever make an effort to do that? […]
Personal Tip – Mission – Nov 6/23
Mission: I believe we all have a purpose in life – a mission… Businesses create a Mission statement to reveal their core purpose, focus, goals and key objectives. I think it would be beneficial to create one for our personal lives. It would help us to build, create and leave a legacy. It would be […]
Personal & Business Tip – Weekends – Nov 4 & 5/23
Weekends: What do you do on the weekends for downtime? Does it rejuvenate you? Sometimes we take time to rest and sometimes we use our weekends to get things done. When we use them to accomplish things around the house, work on our vehicle, work in our yard, go away or do an activity, or […]
Business Tip – Client Incentives – Nov 3/23
Client Incentives: Do you have an incentive program for your clients or little incentives for the products or services that you provide? Sometimes these can be very beneficial to add into your current setup, structure or process. It is definitely helpful when starting with a new client. An introductory price, sale, promotion, gift, and other […]
Personal Tip – Divorce – Nov 3/23
Divorce: This is a touchy subject as everyone deals with this differently based on their own personal experiences, past and current circumstances. It is one of those subjects that many people have been through, too many really. It is something you don’t wish on anyone to experience. I have said it is kind of like […]
Business Tip – Pricing – Nov 2/23
Pricing: Where do you sit competitively speaking? Do you check your competitors pricing? Do you survey your customers to see where they view your pricing? This is a topic many people don’t like looking at or checking into. As things get tighter in our pocket books, trust me, your customers are checking around and they […]
Personal Tip – When Nothing Goes Right, Go Left – Nov 2/23
When nothing goes right, go left: Everything is about perspective and attitude. When we start to have a bad day, we tend to start off on the wrong foot and it seems to follow us throughout the day if we don’t shift our thinking from negative to positive. So, remember this little saying – when […]
Business Tip – Customer Service – Nov 1/23
Customer Service: How well do you relate to your clients? Questions to Ponder: When you go out to a restaurant, store, gas station, or deal with different cashiers- any service related position, what do you notice about them? Do you remember certain ones better? Do you go to that place again, knowing that the service […]