Determination: Certain things bring out our determination more than others. Being determined keeps you motivated to finish and complete a particular mission, idea or thought. Being determined helps assist in achieving goals and deadlines. It helps you to achieve things both professionally and personally. Professionally, it can aid in your promotion, position and respect within […]
Personal Tip – Habits – Nov 23/23
Habits: Defined as something that you do often and regularly, sometimes without knowing that you are doing it: and I would add that it is usually something that is hard to stop doing, especially because a lot of the time you don’t notice that you are in fact doing it! Habits can be learned, they can come […]
Business Tip – Motivation – Nov 22/23
Motivation: What motivates you and keeps you motivated? Sometimes it is easy to be motivated and other times, oh man, it is so hard to get going – no matter what time of day. If we could just capture that moment when we are highly motivated and stay, there but we can’t. It comes and […]
Personal Tip – Simpler Times – Nov 22/23
Simpler Times: Before the invention of cell phones, people were more relaxed. If they missed a call, they didn’t even know about it half the time, or they would check their voicemail and eventually call them back. It was a very different time. Now people get upset if they can’t get a hold of you […]
Business Tip – Have Fun – Nov 21/23
Have Fun: Today I had a very nice compliment from a client. He is an older gentleman who has been around the block a time or two – he has travelled and been to many different businesses and locations. What he said to me today hit home and I thanked him for his compliment and […]
Personal Tip – Cold Weather – Nov 21/23
Cold Weather: The biggest key to staying warm in the winter months is to layer. When you layer, you keep your core temperature up. If you get too warm, you can take a layer off. There are so many different options now a days for staying warm: You can buy jackets, hoodies, vests, socks, insoles, […]
Business Tip – Changes to the Industry – Nov 20/23
Changes to the Industry: Many times throughout history, there are changes that go on in different industries. During the past few years, as we worked our way through the pandemic, changes have happened in order to keep up with things that are going on. It has more or less been a forced change on many […]
Personal Tip – Good Will – Nov 20/23
Good Will: Every year around Thanksgiving, I take time to organize my house – go through closets, drawers and the rest of the house. Whatever I haven’t used in the last year – I take it to good will. This helps me to declutter my house and get rid of things that are not being […]
Business & Personal Tip – Human Error – Nov 18 & 19/23
Human Error: To err is human… It is and has been an expression for years, and there is truth in it! This is true in both our personal & professional lives. In every position that I have held, I have looked into this little saying and looked for areas that we can cause errors. I […]
Business Tip – Volunteers – Nov 17/23
Volunteers: Does your company utilize and require volunteers? If so, a key element to keeping, maintaining and sustaining volunteers is having an organized environment. Many businesses operate with the advantage of incorporating volunteers, especially for fund raising and as support staff. Many people like to volunteer and enjoy the feeling of making an overall difference […]
Personal Tip – Healthy Love & Acceptance – Nov 17/23
Healthy Love & Acceptance by Others: I believe it is these two words that keep people motivated. Everyone is looking for, striving for love and acceptance. Whether it be in family, friendships, relationships, work, etc. When you feel loved and accepted for who you are, you feel more confident, more centered. You are more likely […]
Business Tip – Unified Front – Nov 16/23
Unified Front: It is highly important when dealing with customers, that the business have a unified front, especially those front facing. If different departments or individuals are giving different advice, pricing or information to the customer, that causes confusion and then the customer doesn’t know who to trust or believe. Make sure your team has […]