Pension Plans: Many companies have opted out of pension plans, which is unfortunate in my opinion. Many people used to stay at their employment because of the pension, so it used to help in the longevity of keeping your employees. There are different options when providing a pension. Some companies can match the percentage that […]
Personal Tip – Christmas Baking – Dec 8/23
Christmas Baking: I am fortunate that I live in the same area as my folks. We get together every now and then. This past weekend, we did some Christmas baking. My youngest daughter (16 1/2) got to learn some recipes that we have made through the years. Some recipes were from my mom’s mom, some […]
Business Tip – Short Term Disability – Dec 7/23
Short Term Disability: A lot of companies have gone away from including this in their benefits package as it can be covered by EI. This is true, but there may be some things that companies are not aware of when they make the decision to exclude this from their benefits package. Although your employees can […]
Personal Tip – Christmas Tree Ornaments – Dec 7/23
Christmas tree ornaments I remember my first Christmas alone – when I moved away from home at 19. I moved 2 provinces away and couldn’t get time off to go back to home for the holidays that year. I went and purchased a second hand Christmas tree and was so excited. When I got it […]
Business Tip – Advertising Dec 6/23
Advertising: What captures people’s attention? It is always beneficial to do something catchy regarding your business. What is your business slogan or have you created one? What is a sticky note saying that captures what you do? When you have created it, how do you or how will you use it? Do you do internet […]
Personal Tip – Xmas Budget – Dec 6/23
Xmas Budget: When Christmas rolls around, our budget tends to go out the window and then we struggle until March to catch up. Why do we create this stress in our lives? Probably because we have lost the true meaning of Christmas – which is to enjoy spending quality time together, reconnecting, relaxing. It is […]
Business Tip – Growing Your Business – Dec 5/23
Growing your business: The last few years have been a trying time in this department for some. Some businesses have thrived depending on what product or service they offer. Others have struggled due to restrictions and people getting used to buying more things online, which definitely changed some peoples buying habits. Questions to Ponder: Where […]
Personal Tip – Forgiveness – Dec 5/23
Forgiveness: Christmas is a time of Miracles…at least that is the theme to many Christmas movies and songs. But it does hold a different energy than the rest of the year. Christmas is a time of reflection, a time to look back, and look forward. A time to right your wrongs, amend things with people, […]
Business Tip – Business Arrangements – Dec 4/23
Business Arrangements: I am posing these questions to any and all Business Owners and then providing some information. Please take this to heart. We have a belief that we are invincible – I am not sure where that thought or feeling has come from – but it tends to be deeply rooted. Then when something […]
Personal Tip – Peace – Dec 4/23
Peace: This is a very loaded word. One that not many people have truly captured. It has taken me a lifetime of pursuing peace to finally grasp what it truly is and how to obtain it. First off, I found out that you cannot have peace without forgiveness. You forgive others, not because they deserve […]
Business & Personal Tip – Mitigating Risk – Dec 2 & 3/23
I only combine the two tips into one when I feel strongly about a topic and feel the need to emphasize it on some level by just having one post that day. I feel this is one of those points. Mitigating Risk: The risk mitigation involves development of mitigation plans designed to manage, eliminate, or reduce […]
Business Tip – Growing Your Business – Dec 1/23
Growing your business: The last two years have been a trying time in this department. Some business have thrived depending on what product or service they offer. Others have struggled due to restrictions. Questions to Ponder: Where are you sitting in your business currently? How does your profit / loss report look? Here are some […]