Laughter: Laughter is the best medicine. What do you do that makes you laugh or gives you the giggles every day? Is it a regular sitcom that you watch and enjoy? Is it a joke book in the bathroom? What puts a smile on your face daily? It is very important to smile and laugh […]
Personal & Business Tip – TGIF – Jan 6 & 7/24
TGIF: We embark on yet another weekend – some time to ourselves! As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, I plan on doing very little this weekend. I am going to hang out in my jammies, watch movies and keep warm! It takes a toll going out in this brutal cold and for your body to […]
Business Tip – Training – Jan 5/24
Training: This is an interesting topic for companies. Some companies are really invested in their training programs, some have to do upgrade training on a regular basis and some do not see the advantage of training courses their staff. Depending on the business or industry that you operate or are in depends on the training […]
Personal Tip – Blah – Jan 5/24
Blah: Do you ever feel this way? It has been a bit of a harsh winter where I live – up and down temperatures – a lot of -40 (colder than the North Pole on many days), when it does get nice it storms and then the roads are not good for travelling. Somedays it […]
Business Tip – Processes – Jan 4/24
Processes: Keeping in line with the last few days’ topics, we’ll touch a little bit on process. Franchises have succeeded because of this very thing. They follow a process or system – the franchise owners and staff follow the process or system and do it the same way which is how they are identified and […]
Personal Tip – Loneliness – Jan 4/24
Loneliness: I would say that is one word that comes to mind during the last few years. Due to the restrictions and lock downs that Covid put in place, it kept people inside and without a lot of outside communication or visitation. With a lot of people working from home as well, there has been […]
Business Tip – Structure – Jan 3/24
Structure: What does your business structure look like? Is it still working for your business? A lot of businesses don’t really put a lot of thought into their structure set up and fly by the seat of their pants just going through the motions every day. Everyone just does what they believe they need to […]
Personal Tip – Photos – Jan 3/24
Photos: In a world where the younger generations are continually taking selfies – which honestly just amazes me; I have never enjoyed my photo being taken, never mind sharing it with other people and the world… Due to this, I am usually the one taking the photos. This can be a good thing, but I […]
Business Tip – Foundational Pillars – Jan 2/24
Foundational Pillars: What are the foundational pillars in your business? Foundational pillars are the key points that your business is built on. These can grow and expand and should be developed throughout the life of the business. They can change and evolve along with the business but should always be at the forefront of the […]
Personal Tip – Memories – Jan 2/24
Memories: All of us have memories; some are great, some are amazing, some are tough and some are ones we would like to forget. Either way, they are part of what makes us who we are today. Sometimes we focus too much on the ones we wish we could forget and forget about the good […]
Happy New Year – Jan 1/24
Be the change that you want to see this year!
Take Time Off – Dec 26 – 31/23
Take TIme Off: It is important in life to take some time to yourself and spend time with your family. We get so wrapped up in things that we don’t seem to give us the necessary relax time that we need and deserve. I think it is important that we know that about ourselves – […]