I only combine the two tips into one when I feel strongly about a topic and feel the need to emphasize it on some level by just having one post that day. I feel this is one of those points. Mitigating Risk: The risk mitigation involves development of mitigation plans designed to manage, eliminate, or reduce […]
Business Tip – Advice – Jan 15/24
Advice: What is the best piece of advice that someone gave you? At the many different phases of business – starting a business – a few years down the road – 10 years into it – or nearing retirement – people will always offer advice or opinions. Some of the opinions or advice will be […]
Personal Tip – Moving Forward – Jan 15/24
Moving Forward: How do you move forward when you feel like you are stuck in the mud… This past couple of years has kept us in a holding pattern. With lock downs, restrictions and mandates leading our lives, we have been stuck so to speak. It has been hard to move in any direction, especially […]
Business & Personal Tip – Encouragement – Jan 13 & 14/24
Encouragement: What comes to mind when you think of this word? The word that comes to mind when I think of encouragement is support – positive support. I am fortunate that I am surrounded by people who encourage me on a regular basis. We encourage each other – to be better, to try new things, […]
Business Tip – Safety Manuals – Jan 12/24
Safety Manuals: Are you involved in an industry where you are required to have a Safety Manual? Even if you are in an industry that doesn’t require these, there are many good aspects that could be incorporated into your business that would be beneficial. A Safety program keeps people accountable in many different ways. There […]
Personal Tip – Dream – Jan 12/24
Dream: Sometimes in our life, it can be next to impossible to dream. One day rolls into the next, and the next, etc. We get into the pattern of existing and surviving and lose hope in our dreams. What are your dreams? What do you hope for? What have you hoped for? Questions to Ponder: […]
Business Tip – Live Events – Jan 11/24
Live Events: As things get back to normal so to speak, we are starting to see things open up once again – conferences, conventions, trainings, meetings, etc. However, it is still nice to have the option of the online version, instead of travelling and all that entails. People can once again get together instead of […]
Personal Tip – Love – Jan 11/24
Love: What does this little word mean to you? This little word has many different meanings to people. People say it all the time, but what is their version of love… what does it mean to them? When someone says I love you, it tends to be taken in the context of your definition of […]
Business & Personal Tip – Communication – Jan 10/24
Communication: Communication is an essential part to: Without communication we really have nothing. You can’t relate to your spouse, partner, friend, child, coworker or otherwise without some form of communication. Even the simplest of task – take for example getting a haircut – if you do not explain to the stylist or barber what you […]
Business Tip – Dress for Success – Jan 9/24
Dress for Success: What does that mean to you? Questions to Ponder: How do you feel when you are wearing you pj’s? How do you feel in jeans and a t-shirt? Sweatpants? How do you feel in work clothes? Work boots? How do you feel in a suit? Dress shoes? How do you feel in […]
Personal Tip – Depression – Jan 9/24
Depression: This topic came up yesterday when we had some company over. They came over to be in a different environment other than their house. Covid, the past few years, and the harsh winter we have been having has contributed to more depression than ever, in my opinion. Most people got in the habit of […]
Business Tip – Onboarding – Jan 8/24
Onboarding: I believe there is a right way and a wrong way to onboard new employees. The wrong way and probably most common way is the sink or swim technique. This technique consists of sharing the least amount of information while giving the new employee the best failure rate. Setting people up to succeed in […]