Inventory Options: Depending on your amount of inventory depends on the options that you have for counting. If you have a lower amount of items and it is something that 2 people could count in one day, then it would be beneficial to count and reconcile monthly. By being able to reconcile on a monthly […]
Personal Tip – Living Will – Jan 23/24
Living Will: This is a will that captures the ability for you to have and make all necessary choices for your life if you become incapacitated and in a circumstance where you can’t make your own decisions – usually brought on by an accident or illness. Living wills and other advance directives are written, legal […]
Business Tip – Budgeting for the Future – Jan 22/24
Budgeting for the Future: It is very good practice that after year end is complete, you review your numbers and create a budget for the current year. Based off of the numbers, you will have an idea of your profit and loss and it will be fresh in your mind. Look at what possible expenditures […]
Personal Tip – Life Insurance – Jan 22/24
Life Insurance: This is another topic that people struggle with. So I am going to start out with questions to ponder first. Questions to Ponder: Do you want your loved ones to struggle after you are gone? Should your spouse and kid’s lives change drastically once you have passed? Is it fair for them to […]
Business Tip – Year End – Jan 20 & 21/24
Year End: This time of year can be challenging for many people. Just after Christmas and New Year’s rest and relax time, you get straight into year end when you get back to work and your brain is still on vacation mode! It takes a lot of preparation, organization and even some overtime to get […]
Personal Tip – Wills – Jan 20 & 21/24
Wills: Let’s start with this one. If you don’t create a will, the government has the right to divide your possessions and estate. Each province in Canada does it a little differently and allows for more complications during an already difficult time for the ones left behind. Dying without a Will can create problems for […]
Business Tip – Incidents – Jan 19/24
Incidents: How do you handle incidents that happen in the workplace? Some people have a system or process in place for this, with the necessary paperwork to record such mishaps, some don’t. Although, we hope that we do not have to deal with these, they can and do happen. It is important to have things […]
Personal Tip – Tough Conversations – Jan 19/24
Tough Conversations: After writing my last post it brought some other topics to mind that a lot of people don’t like to think about, never mind discuss. Wills, Life Insurance, Critical or Disability Insurance, Health Care Directives (Living Wills), Funeral Arrangements, Obituary and so forth. I feel very fortunate in my life as my dad […]
Business Tip – Job Interviews – Jan 18/24
Job Interviews: There are many ways to prepare for your job interview, once you have been chosen as a candidate for a position. There are many great tools on the internet to research different questions and scenarios. More and more companies are doing process that involves many different steps. They conduct a questionnaire (which could […]
Personal Tip – Fire Insurance – Jan 18/24
Fire Insurance: We had a fire in our city yesterday in an apartment block – one that was being built, so no one was hurt or lives changed for that matter. In saying that though, it gets me to think about sharing this information. Do you have enough insurance? A lot of renters do not […]
Business Tip – Resumes – Jan 17/24
Resumes: Your resume is the first thing that gets you through the door. Questions to Ponder: How does your resume compare to others? Does your resume have a professional feel to it? Does it reflect you in it? There are many examples online for resume’s. Have a look at some of them and see which […]
Personal Tip – De-stressing – Jan 17/24
De-stressing: A trend I have noticed over the last few months with friends and family, along with comments made, is that part of their de-stressing routine is playing games on their phones. They do this regularly – while watching tv, while waiting on anything, on coffee breaks, while on the phone, while waiting on their […]