Appreciation: How do you show appreciation to your staff members, co-workers, couriers, clients, etc. We take many things for granted during the day that others do for us. All it takes is a few words that would really make someone else’s day and put a bounce in their step, so to speak. Questions to Ponder: […]
Personal Tip – Significance of Numbers – Jan 30/24
Significance of Numbers: I have always been a numbers person – they have always intrigued me. Numbers are the universal language in my opinion. 1+1=2 in every language. Numbers don’t lie – they just are. What is behind the numbers – just as names have a significant meaning, numbers do as well. I have explored […]
Business Tip – Freedom in Work – Jan 29/24
Freedom in work: When I say this, I am meaning freedom and trust in the position that the employee holds. When you trust in your employee’s capabilities, you give them the freedom to complete their jobs or tasks with little supervision and no micromanagement. When you do not have that level of trust, either in […]
Personal Tip – Significance of Names – Jan 29/24
Significance of Names: I have always been fascinated with names and their meanings. Many times, a person’s name holds special meaning. Children today might be named after family members to show respect or to honor their memory. Have you ever thought of the significance of your name, do you know where it came from or […]
Business Tip – Determination – Jan 27 & 28/24
Determination: Certain things bring out our determination more than others. Being determined keeps you motivated to finish and complete a particular mission, idea or thought. Being determined helps assist in achieving goals and deadlines. It helps you to achieve things both professionally and personally. Professionally, it can aid in your promotion, position and respect within […]
Personal Tip – Obituary – Jan 27 & 28/24
Obituary: Why would I create my own obituary – this is what I mentioned in yesterday’s post. I made a choice to write my own obituary because I am the only person who truly knows my own story. Having other people write it puts the obituary in their perspective and they highlight only what they […]
Business Tip – Motivation – Jan 26/24
Motivation: What motivates you and keeps you motivated? Sometimes it is easy to be motivated and other times, oh man, it is so hard to get going – no matter what time of day. If we could just capture that moment when we are highly motivated and stay, there but we can’t. It comes and […]
Personal Tip – Funeral Arrangements – Jan 26/24
Funeral Arrangements: People have the option to make these decisions prior to their demise with Funeral Homes. It is definitely something to look into and put down on paper. It also gives you the option to start paying a small fee on this instead of burdening others with the cost of this. My parents have […]
Business Tip – Human Error – Jan 25/24
Human Error: To err is human… It is and has been an expression for years, and there is truth in it! In every position that I have held, I have looked into this little saying and looked for areas that we can cause errors. I do my best to minimize the human error risk by […]
Personal Tip – Death – Jan 25/24
Death: Now that we have discussed a few different topics around this subject, let’s talk about the subject itself. Death. This is a subject that many people do not want to think about or talk about with others. Recognize that at some point in our lives, this is actually going to happen to all of […]
Business Tip – Extreme Weather – Jan 24/24
Extreme Weather: This winter, we have had some very different weather. One day it is -45 with the wind chill, the next day it is +4 and melting. People have missed more work this year than in the past due to the extreme winter conditions in our area. People are stuck at home, as they […]
Personal Tip – Critical Illness & Disability Insurance – Jan 24/24
Critical Illness and Disability Insurance: Some people look at this type of insurance and do not see the benefit. I was one of these people. I did purchase this type of insurance for my mortgage, as I had a significant amount of life insurance, my mortgage broker suggested that I should instead purchase critical and […]