Body: What do you do on a regular basis that is for your body? Some people exercise, do yoga, go to the gym, run and that is one form of taking care of your body. I call it working from the outside in! Some people watch what they eat, take supplements, do cleanses or detox’s […]
Business & Personal – Up to Code – Feb 24 & 25/24
Up to Code: This is a term that is used a lot in renovations for houses or buildings. Bringing things up to code is an important aspect of business. How is your building looking? Are there things that need to be tended to in your building? Would it affect your insurance if something were to […]
Business Tip – Knowledge is Key – Feb 23/24
Knowledge is Key? No, Applied Knowledge is key! There has always been that saying that knowledge is key…it is only key if you actually utilize that knowledge and put it to use – meaning applying it. We all learn things – usually every day or couple of days there is something that you didn’t know […]
Personal Tip – A Weekend Away – Feb 23/24
A Weekend Away: Do you and your partner get enough undivided attention from each other and give enough of it to each other? These past two years’ getaways were harder but now with things opening up, I encourage you to spend some quality time together. Take a trip, go somewhere on the weekend, do something […]
Business Tip – Abbreviations / Acronyms – Feb 22/24
Abbreviations / Acronyms: Many different companies and industries use abbreviations or acronyms to shorten things. The trouble with this is sometimes different abbreviations mean different things and people may not always be talking about the same thing depending on what industry or experience they have from their past. If you are going to use abbreviations […]
Personal Tip – Take a Bath – Feb 22/24
Take a Bath: If you have had a stressful day, learn to take a bath in Epsom salts, olive oil or essential oils to relax your aching muscles and mind. It is truly amazing how wonderful a warm or hot bath feels and what it does for you at the end of a long day. […]
Business Tip – Importance of PO’s – Feb 21/24
The Importance of PO’s: It doesn’t matter how big or how small your company is, Purchase Orders are an important part of the buying process. They assist in keeping things in order, tracking things, returning things, and help keep thing on budget. When Employees have to ask for a PO prior to purchasing anything, it […]
Personal Tip – Treasured – Feb 21/24
Treasured: How do you treat someone special? This is an important part of everyone’s world. It is a wonderful feeling to have someone treat you special, important. We should do it for all those around us on a regular basis. We should do it for our partners, our kids, our family and friends. It is […]
Business & Personal Tip – Emotions – Feb 20/24
Emotions: What are emotions to you, for you, in you? Our emotions can be soothing, helpful, calming, pleasant, positive and at times they can be aggressive, controlling, all consuming, negative, dangerous and so forth in both our personal and professional lives. Questions to Ponder: On a scale of 1-10, where do your emotions fit in […]
Business Tip – Importance of Data – Feb 19/24
The Importance of Data: I have always been a numbers person – they have always intrigued me. Numbers are the universal language in my opinion. 1+1=2 in every language. Numbers don’t lie – they just are. Being accurate with numbers has always been important to me – which is probably why I did bookkeeping on […]
Personal Tip – Let’s Get Physical – Feb 19/24
Let’s get physical: How often do spend time doing something that provides a full body workout for you? Some people have gotten more physical in the last few years and have reached some of their goals. Others, like myself have let themselves go a little more than before – with gyms being closed and a […]
Business & Personal – Pamper You – Feb 17 & 18/24
Pamper You: Do you give yourself a spa day? Some people would say that they can’t afford to give that to themselves. During the pandemic restrictions, when things were limited, I took this time to treat myself at home to things that I had previously done outside of the home. I dyed my own hair, […]