Flooding: We have talked about our weird weather patterns previously and what has been going on in our area. With the way the winter went, it looked like this may not occur this year – however, with recent snow storms, it could be a possibility in some areas. In 2011, this area had a bad […]
Business & Personal Tip – Spring 2 – Mar 25/24
Spring: Spring is a time for new beginnings… The weather is starting to let up, the birds are chirping, the sun is shining, people are starting to get cabin fever, which creates an environment to get out more. You start seeing more people out and about, while getting more invitations to get together. It’s funny […]
Business & Personal Tip – Spring – Mar 23 & 24/24
Spring: Spring has sprung in our part of the world. After such a weird winter – it is so nice to see the weather start to change, the sun is hotter, the days are longer, the birds are back and making their presence known. In the winter, things seem so still. There is a lot […]
Business Tip – Onboarding – Mar 22/24
Onboarding: I believe there is a right way and a wrong way to onboard new employees. The wrong way and probably most common way is the sink or swim technique. This technique consists of sharing the least amount of information while giving the new employee the best failure rate. Setting people up to succeed in […]
Personal Tip – Emotions – Mar 22/24
Emotions: Looking at yesterday’s post, and really taking a deep look within, how do you affect those around you with your emotions? We all have emotions – are they controlling you, or are you controlling them? Sometimes, if we take the time to look at the affect we have on those surrounding us, we have […]
Business Tip – Training – Mar 21/24
Training: This is an interesting topic for companies. Some companies are really invested in their training programs, some have to do upgrade training on a regular basis and some do not see the advantage of training courses their staff. Depending on the business or industry that you operate or are in depends on the training […]
Personal Tip – Emotions & Animals – Mar 21/24
Emotions & Animals: Animals are amazing creatures… They feel so many things being around us. They are way more sensitive to moods and have an innate understanding of what we are feeling, what we are going through. It is simply incredible. In saying that, you can also learn a lot about yourself if you look […]
Business Tip – Process – Mar 20/24
Process: Keeping in line with the last few days’ topics, we’ll touch a little bit on process. Franchises have succeeded because of this very thing. They follow a process or system – the franchise owners and staff follow the process or system and do it the same way which is how they are identified and […]
Personal Tip – Pain is Relative – Mar 20/24
Pain is relative: What does that even mean? Pain is pain – something that hurts – whether it be physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, pain is pain and there are many different types of pain. Some pains are debilitating –which means it stops you where you are and does not allow you to move – again […]
Business Tip – Structure – Mar 19/24
Structure: What does your business structure look like? Is it still working for your business? A lot of businesses don’t really put a lot of thought into their structure set up and fly by the seat of their pants just going through the motions every day. Everyone just does what they believe they need to […]
Personal Tip – Nature – Mar 19/24
Nature: This last week, I have been longing to get back out in my yard, now that the weather is starting to change! I have spring fever! I have started spending time weeding my garden, taking off the dead leaves or stems . Two years ago, I removed a majority of my front lawn to […]
Business Tip – Foundational Pillars – Mar 18/24
Foundational Pillars: What are the foundational pillars in your business? Foundational pillars are the key points that your business is built on. These can grow and expand and should be developed throughout the life of the business. They can change and evolve along with the business but should always be at the forefront of the […]