15-minute cities: This is a term I have recently become familiar with due to a conversation with a friend. It is an interesting comment and warrants some research, but is it feasible in Canada with its vastness? Not everyone works within a 15-minute walking or biking distance… If you are unaware of what a 15-minute […]
Business & Personal Tip – Be Somebody – Apr 5/24
Be Somebody: Be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody. That little saying says a lot. I have always said it a little different but it is similar… Be somebody who builds people up instead of tearing them down. I like how the first saying is put. It is something in our competitive world […]
Business & Personal Tip – Take Things for Granted – Apr 4/24
Take things for granted: Often we wait till the last minute or too late to tell people how much we appreciate them. We wait until either someone is on their death bed to tell them or we wait until their funeral and tell others how much we loved someone, how much they impacted our lives, […]
Business & Personal Tip – Being Thankful – Apr 3/24
Being Thankful: We tend to do this once a year on Thanksgiving – go around the table and say what you are thankful for. However, we should be doing it on a more regular basis. We should take time every day and think of one thing we are thankful for. Just one. You could do […]
Business & Personal Tip – Honesty – Apr 2/24
Honesty: On a scale of 1-10, what level of honesty would you put yourself at with others? With yourself? I call it one degree off… It only takes a moment to slip into that one degree – a quick, simple, easy white lie and then you’re in it. One degree off starts out that way, […]
Business & Personal Tip – Doing What’s Right – Apr 1/24
Doing What’s Right: It may not always be easy but you will benefit more in the long run. I have always said – I have to do what I can live with as I have to look at myself in the mirror every morning. Being able to look myself in the eye is important to […]
Business & Personal Tip – Addiction – Mar 30 & 31/24
Addiction: A touchy subject for most. This word means many things to many different people. Some understand it to some point, some embrace it, some defend it, some deny it and others enable it. Nevertheless, this word and the action behind it, has consumed people, has destroyed people, has hurt people, has (you finish this […]
Business & Personal Tip – Flippy Flop – Mar 29/24
Flippy Flop: It has always interested me or should I say disgusted me in how people flippy flop… It may sound like a weird expression but it is one I use. Others may use the expression – Two Faced. It is when people are for you – your friend, family, loved one, spouse, etc. and […]
Business Tip – Live Events – Mar 28/24
Live Events: As things get back to normal so to speak, we are starting to see things open up once again – conferences, conventions, trainings, meetings, etc. However, it is still nice to have the option of the online version, instead of travelling and all that entails. People can once again get together instead of […]
Personal Tip – Interesting Options – Mar 28/24
Interesting Options: While looking into different things in other countries, I came across some interesting ideas that would be a nicety for Canada… In Mexico, they have their blood type on their driver’s license – which makes it so much easier during emergencies for the hospitals if blood is needed – makes it simpler. The […]
Business Tip – Dress for Success – Mar 27/24
Dress for Success: What does that mean to you? Questions to Ponder: How do you feel when you are wearing you pj’s? How do you feel in jeans and a t-shirt? Sweatpants? How do you feel in work clothes? Work boots? How do you feel in a suit? Dress shoes? How do you feel in […]
Personal Tip – The Sandwich Age – Mar 27/24
The Sandwich Age: I am at an age that they call the sandwich age – still raising kids while helping aging parents. I am not sure about you, but I watched my parents age significantly during the Covid pandemic. I must admit, I am fortunate – I have a relationship with my parents that is […]